     关键词  话语建构  民工形象  新闻标题
    Title   The Discursive Construction of Migrant Workers' Image in Chinese News Headlines
    This paper collects the news headlines about migrant workers in the Yangtse Evening News and the People's Daily between October 1st, 2014 and March31st, 2015. It mainly analyzes migrant workers' image in the Chinese news headlines. Inspired from relevant literature review, the paper made a comparative study of the topics, modified determiners for and semantic cases of migrant workers in news headlines from the two newspapers. In terms of topics, it is found that the image of migrant workers is constructed to be vulnerable, and relevant news reports are mainly negative. In terms of modified determiners, the image of migrant workers is vague and plural. Besides, in terms of semantic case, in spite of an agentive case, the verb phrases describing migrant workers' behavior are mostly negative, especially in the local newspaper. The positive image of migrant workers is obviously shown in the official news headlines. What's more, as an objective or dative case, migrant workers show the image of being helped. In general, the image of migrant workers inclines to be stereotyped and labeled. 
    Keywords  discursive construction  migrant workers' image  new headlines
    Table of Contents
    1 Introduction    1
    1.1 Research Background    1
    1.2 Research Object    2
    1.3 Layout of the Paper    2
    2 Literature Review    3
    2.1 Studies on News Headline    3
    2.2 Studies on Migrant Workers in Discourse    3
    2.3 Studies on Discourse Construction of Identities    5
    2.4 Achievements and Shortcomings    5
    3 Research Design    7
    3.1 Research Questions    7
    3.2 Data Collection    7
    3.3 Data Analysis    7
    4. Discursive Construction of Migrant Workers in National and Local News Headlines    9
    4.1 Topics Covered in National and Local News Headlines    9
    4.2 Modified Determiners for Migrant Workers in National and Local News Headlines    11
    4.3 Semantic Cases of Migrant Workers in National and Local News Headlines    12
    Conclusion    15
    Acknowledgements    17
    References    18
    Table 4.1 Topics covered in national and local news headlines    ......9
    Table 4.2 Modified determiners for migrant workers in national and local news headlines    ....11
    Table 4.3 Semantic cases of migrant workers in national and local news headlines    ....13
    1 Introduction
    News headlines, set before the main body of the news, are the simple words that generalize or comment on the news contents. News headlines have functions of piding, organizing, revealing and commenting on the news contents, and attracting readers' attention (Liu, 2011). The creation of news headlines plays a pivotal role in the whole news discourse. For recent decades, with the spread of urbanization, migrant workers, as the special product of China's social reform, draw attention of all governments and the society. A large quantity of relational news reports spring up. Since the twenty-first century, migrant workers, as a new group, have become the hot topic of academic research. Among the published papers about migrant workers, the majority concentrate on the identity of migrant worker as vulnerable group. Migrant workers' weakness and suffering are the focus of discussion.
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