    摘 要英语作为一种国际语言,在全球经济发展中扮演着中重要角色。自从2008年奥运会以后,我国各大城市开始重视公示语的英译。该论文采用定量研究和定性分析的方法,从翻译目的论的角度探讨了城市公示语的英译。文中介绍了目的论的基本概念以及公示语的基本类型,并从目的论的角度分析了目前公示语翻译中所存在的错误,提出了一些适合公示语翻译的策略。目的论对城市公示语的指导是不可或缺的。恰当的城市公示语翻译有助于丰富城市语言文化,提升城市的文化底蕴。34554
    Abstract As an international language, English plays an important role in the development of global economy. Since the 2008 Olympic Games, the cities in China have begun to pay attention to the English translations of public signs. This paper, by using qualititative and quantitative analysis methods, explores the English translations of public signs from the perspective of skopostheorie. The basic concept of skopostheorie and the types of public signs is introduced; the errors of the public signs are analyzed; and some strategies which are suitable to the English translations of public signs are proposed from the view of skopostheorie. Skopostheorie plays a guiding role in the English translations of public signs. All in all, appropriate English translations of public signs will enrich the culture of a city and enhance the cultural heritage of a city.
    Key words:skopostheorie; public signs; translation
    On Chinese-English Translation of Public Signs from the Perspective of Skopostheorie  
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The Skopostheorie and the Public Signs    2
    2.1 Skopostheorie    2
    2.1.1 A Brief Introduction to Skopostheorie    2
    2.1.2 A Review of Studies on Translations from the Perspective of Skopostheorie.    3
    2.2 Public Signs    5
    2.2.1 Types of the Public Signs    5
    2.2.2 Language Features of the Public Signs    6
    III. Error Analysis of Public Signs English Translation from the Perspective of Skopostheorie    8
    3.1 Errors of the English Translations of Public Signs    8
    3.1.1 Spelling Mistakes    8
    3.1.2 Blind Equivalence    9
    3.1.3 The Ignorance of the Cultural Connotation    9
    3.2 Roots for the Errors    10
    3.2.1 The Lack of Supervision and Management    10
    3.2.2 Low level of Translations    10
    3.2.3 The Ignorance of Cultural Difference    11
    Ⅳ. Translation Strategies under the Direction of Skopostheorie    11
    4.1 Altered Translation    11
    4.2 Adaption Translation    12
    4.3 Corresponding Translation    13
    V. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgments    16
    I. Introduction

    Under the background of economic globalization, as an international language, English plays a more and more important role in the international communication and cooperation. Therefore, in order to follow the historical trend, English translations of public signs should be paid more attention. Thus it is helpful to enhance the culture of a city, promote the city to develop towards the internationalization. This paper will put emphasis on the English translations of public signs under the guidance of skopostheorie. Skopostheorie has developed through four stages, and this theory is quite perfect. With the rapid development of the urbanization, more and more scholars have made plenty of researches about the English translations of public signs and published a number of papers to illustrate the importance of this matter.
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