
    There are various investigations and studies made by researchers from different countries. The concept of “learning disabled children” was first proposed and used by Dr. Samuel A Kirk (1963). In his opinion, the learning disabled children are those students who have serious difficulties in learning. However, they are all health in other aspects (Yu Guoliang, 1995). Zhong Qiquan (2003) gives the definition of the low-achieving or under-achieving students as those students who have intelligence in the normal range but were below or didn't reach the average level they should have for some reasons. In addition, he thinks that those underachievers are changeable and could be transformed into good students.
    The low-achieving or under-achieving students, in educational dictionaries, are those students who do not obey the school and moral principles. And they also make serious fault in class. Comparing with the other students in the class, they do poorly in academicals achievement. Besides, they are under the average level and lag behind others. Meanwhile, they are not like the other students to finish the learning task in proper amount on time as the teachers required.
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