    摘 要英语阅读是以获取信息为目的的读者与作者之间的双向思想交流交际活动,影响阅读交际实现的一个重要因素无疑是英美文化知识,英汉文化差异直接影响着中国学生对英语文章的理解。英语阅读中的文化背景涵盖历史、宗教、地域及社会文化知识。通过分析英语阅读文化障碍的词汇、短语、语篇等语言表现形式,探究了思文模式、价值观等导致文化障碍的根源,提出在英语阅读教学中应当注重激发兴趣、扩大词汇量及拓展文化视野,以此解决英语阅读中的文化障碍。34999
    毕业论文关键词: 英语阅读;文化障碍;文化背景;思文模式
    Abstract English reading is a communication activity in which getting information is in order to make two-way communication between the reader and the author. An important factor affects the realization of communication is undoubtedly the cultural knowledge of British and American. And cultural differences between English and Chinese have a direct impact on Chinese students’ understanding of English articles. The cultural background in the English reading covers history, religion, geography and socio-cultural knowledge. By analyzing the vocabulary, phrases, texts and other language forms to explore the root that causing cultural barriers in English reading such as the thinking model, the values, and put forward that in the English reading teaching we should pay attention to stimulate interest, enlarge the vocabulary and expand cultural horizons, in order to solve the cultural barriers in English reading.
    Key words:  English reading; cultural barrier; cultural background; thinking model
    On the Cultural Barriers in Middle School English Reading
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The Cultural Background in English Reading    1
      2.1 Historical Culture    2
      2.2 Religious Culture    3
      2.3 Local Culture    3
      2.4 Social and Cultural Knowledge    4
    III. Cultural Barriers in the Form of Language    4
      3.1 Vocabulary    5
      3.2 Phrase    6
      3.3 Sentence     6
      3.4 Discourse    7
    IV. Roots of Cultural Barriers and the Ways to Eliminate    8
      4.1 Modes of Thinking    8
      4.2 Values    9
      4.3 Ways to Eliminate Cultural Barriers    10
    V. Conclusion    12
    Bibliography    13
    Acknowledgements    14
    I. Introduction
    Language itself is a cultural phenomenon and is the carrier of culture. Language not only carries language information, but also carries cultural information. Reading is knowledge of the language, cultural background, and other common work process. Thus cultural knowledge is an important factor affecting the reading. Reading is a complex process. Anglo-American cultural background knowledge is necessary for reading. Cultural barriers are one of the main obstacles to Chinese students when reading English books. Cultural barrier is a communicative disorder. Cultural barriers are obstacles in reading English books. The important role of cultural background knowledge in reading has been a cause for concern (Xiao 55; Jia 51). Therefore, the study of cultural barriers is to improve student reading ability and reading level and to promote the overall development of their language competence.
    There are dozens of different kinds of the definitions of culture. Hu Wenzhong presents that the culture is pided into two categories, i.e. knowledge culture and communicative culture in the foreign language teaching (193). Cultural knowledge means that two people of different cultural backgrounds to communicate, not directly affect the accurate transmission of cultural factors in verbal and nonverbal information. Communicative culture means that two people of different cultural backgrounds to communicate, cultural factors verbal and nonverbal information accurate transmission of a direct impact. In language teaching, the communication culture even is more important the knowledge of culture. Broadly there are more verbal communication barriers than written communication disorders. Verbal communication barriers include language, non-verbal, psychological, role disorders etc. It is relatively easy to exclude. In contrast, the smaller the range of written communication barriers is, but the more difficult to remove obstacles. Readers rely on their own has mastered the language, the language and cultural knowledge of the author passed, cultural information, and according to the author's thinking and cultural life were to understand, analyze and discard. Reading is a cross-cultural exchange, reading between the lines in English with a strong penetration of western ethnic culture. If students do not understand the cultural background of English-speaking countries would be difficult to have a deep understanding of the article, you can not correctly grasp its meaning.
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