    摘 要随着改革开放的深入和经济全球化的不断推进,中国与世界的联系愈加亲密,凭借丰富自然资源,博大精深的历史文化遗产,中国无非是外国游客的旅游的最佳胜地。淮阳太昊陵是中华民族的人文始祖伏羲之墓,被誉为“天下第一陵”,淮阳还是全国首批旅游标准化示范县。但经过实地考察发现,太昊陵景区的英语公示语存在许多语用失误现象,严重制约了淮阳旅游业的发展及伏羲文化的传播。为了进一步提升淮阳在国内外的知名度,促进其旅游经济的发展和传统文化的传播,本文在翻译目的论的指导下,致力于对淮阳太昊陵景区的英语公示语进行规范与完善,以使更多的国内外游客了解淮阳,走进太昊陵,促进伏羲文化在世界范围内的传播。34998
    毕业论文关键词:太昊陵;公示语; 英译; 翻译目的论
    Abstract With the continuing reform of China and the rapid development of globalization, China has increasing connection with the world and becomes a popular resort for sightseeing due to its abundant natural resources and massive cultural relics. Taihao Fuxi Mausoleum, the resting place of Fuxi, our first ancestor, is known as “The Best Mausoleum in the World”. Meanwhile, Huaiyang is one of the first national standardized counties of tourism. During the field research process in Taihao Fuxi Mausoleum, the author finds many pragmatic problems existing in the English public signs which deter the development of the tourism and the spread of the culture of Fuxi. In order to enhance the fame of Huaiyang and boost the development of tourism and traditional culture, this paper aims to correct and regulate the public signs in the Taihao Fuxi Mausoleum, under the guidance of the Skopostheory. Hence, more and more tourists can know more about Huaiyang and the culture of Fuxi can be carried forward all over the world.
    Key words: Taihao Fuxi Mausoleum; public signs; C-E translation; Skopostheory
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. An Overview of Public Signs    1
    2.1 Definition of Public Signs…1
    2.2 Classification of Public Signs    2
    2.3 Functions of Public Signs    3
    III. A Comparative Analysis of Chinese and English Public Signs    4
    3.1 Similarities of Chinese and English Public Signs    4
    3.2 Differences Between Chinese and English Public Signs    5
    IV. Theoretical Framework: Skopostheory    6
    4.1 Definition of Skopostheory    6
    4.2 Basic Rules of Skopostheory    6
    4.3 The Impact of Skopostheory on the C-E Translation of Tourism Signs    7
    V. Problems and Solutions in C-E Translation of Public Signs in Taihao Fuxi Mausoleum    7
    5.1 Spelling Mistakes    8
    5.2 Grammatical Errors    9
    5.3 Cultural Errors    10
    5.4 Solutions    12
    VI. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgments    16
    An Analysis of C-E Translation of Public Signs in Taihao Fuxi Mausoleum
    I. Introduction
    As we all know, myriads of scenic spots provide English signs to attract more foreign tourists, however, the problems existing in the scenic spots also worry us. The phenomenon also exists in the Taihao Fuxi Mausoleum, which is one of the National AAAA Tourist Attractions and plays an important role in the local development of tourism. Meanwhile, it is the resting place of Fuxi, our first ancestor. In order to improve the current situation and carry forward the fame of Taihao Fuxi Mausoleum, we have to focus on the existing problems in the C-E translation of public signs and provide some solutions.
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