    摘 要随着社会的发展与教育生态化领域的不断扩展,课堂环境日益受到各国心里学家的广泛关注,课堂作为学生学习科学,建构知识的主要环境,因此也是影响学生学习发展的最主要的场所,本文运用调查和实例研究的方法分析课堂环境的内涵和目前存在的问题,并且讨论了如何设计课堂环境促进小学生英语学习。同时揭露了在良好的学习环境下,小学生能够获得更好的英语学习效果,从而有助于培养他们的交际能力。34900
    Abstract  With the development of the society and the continuous expansion of ecological education, the classroom environment is increasingly concerned by the national psychologists. As the main environment for students to learn science and construct knowledge, the classroom is the most important place for students to learn English. This paper uses the method of investment and the case study. It analyzes the connotation and existed problems at present of the classroom environment, and discusses the way of designing a reasonable classroom environment to promote pupils’ English learning. Accordingly, it reveals that students can obtain a better English learning efficiency under the good learning environment, thus it contributes cultivate their communicative competence. 
    Key words: classroom environment; pupils; English learning
    Function of English Classroom Environment Design in Primary School Students’ Initiation
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    Ⅰ. Introduction    1
    Ⅱ. The Classroom Environment Connotation    2
    2.1 The Concept of the Classroom Environment    2
    2.2 The Kinds of Classroom Environment    3
    2.3 Development of the Classroom Environment    3
    Ⅲ. Methods of Creating a Postive Classroom Environment    4
    3.1 The Design of the Classroom Physical Environment    4
    3.2 The Design of the Social Classroom Environment    6
    3.3 The Design of the Classroom Psychological Environment    8
    3.4 The Design of the Other English Classroom Environment    9
    IV. Promoting Effect of English Classroom Environment in Primary School Students Learning English    9
    4.1 Stimulating Students’ Interest in Learning English    9
    4.2 Stimulating Pupils’ Learning Motivations    11
    4.3 Promoting the Formation of Students’ Problem Consciousness.    12
    4.4 Promoting Students’ Autonomous Learning    13
    Ⅴ. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgements    16                   
    Ⅰ. Introduction

    This paper mainly discusses the way how to promote pupils’ English learning through the rational design of the classroom environment, which includes four parts. The first part mainly describes the classroom environment connotation, including classroom psychological environment, classroom physical environment and the social environment. In addition, this part mainly introduces the content of classroom environment, including nature environment, teaching facilities and temporal and spatial environment, and it is the material basis and the physical condition of the teaching. Social environment is the summation of the classroom teacher-student interaction and student interaction in the basic elements and conditions, which includes the relationship between teachers and students, interaction between teachers and students, classroom goal orientation, classroom rules. The psychological environment is the classroom participants (teachers and students) personality characteristics, mental state and the psychological atmosphere of the classroom. The second part mainly tells us how to design a positive classroom environment and how to design a reasonable English classroom environment. The third part mainly analyzes the way of designing a positive environment to promote pupils learning English. Firstly, creating a positive classroom environment can be conducive to stimulating students’ interest in learning English. Secondly, creating a good classroom environment can be conducive to stimulating students learning motivation, and can enhance their ability of learning English by themselves. Thirdly, it is necessary to create a comfortable English learning. Forthly, it is necessary to encourage the student to learn independently so as to improve the effect of teaching and the efficiency of learning. The last part makes a conclusion for this paper. 
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