
    Ⅱ. The Classroom Environment Connotation

    2.1 The Concept of the Classroom Environment
        Classroom environment encompasses a broad rang of education concepts including   physical setting, psychological created through social contexts and numerous instructional components related to teacher characteristics and behaviors. The classroom environment is often regarded as classroom climate or atmosphere, classroom psychological environment or learning environment and so on (Fraser 92). The classroom environment is also called the class environment or the atmosphere of the classroom. The class atmosphere which refers to the students or teachers’ perception or feelings in the class, is a potential factor to affect the development of students, and it is also an important factor for teachers’ teaching (Tian 13). 
    For comprehensive analysis and measurement of the structure of the classroom environment abroad, Walberg and Moose as pioneers, Walberg thinks that the classroom environment includes structural dimensions and emotional attitude. The domestic scholars have conducted little analysis of the concept of the classroom environment and inpidual scholars discussed the concept of the classroom environment. As Tian Hui sheng made the systematic analysis of the meaning of teaching environment, he believes that the teaching environment is the school environment in teaching activity, it must have the objective conditions and various power. The teaching environment generally has broad and narrow sense. From the broad sense, the teaching environment includes social, family environment and so on. From the narrow sense, it mainly refers to the school education and teaching activities, which includes all kinds of teaching facilities, school and class spirit and all kinds of relationship between teachers and students.
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