    Abstract Toni Morrison, a great black female writer, won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1993. Her virginal work The Bluest Eye has exquisitely and authentically depicted the life condition of black people in the early 1940s with a focus on the real record of the white-dominant society’s destructive impacts on the African American’s culture and especially on the black females’ recognition about their racial identities through a story about a black girl’s yearning for a pair of blue eyes35400
    The thesis starts from the description of Pecola and her mother, Mrs. Breedlove’s wretched life experiences. Then the thesis penetrates into the American society in the early 20th century so that the cause of the black women’ tragedy can be analyzed and the root of it can be found. It can be dissected that the root is the severe erosion of the black culture by the invasion of the dominant white culture and the unconscious internalization of racism by black people themselves. At the same time, a chapter is devoted to the discussion about the narrator Claudia to enrich the analysis and comparison of black female characters in the novel.
    Key Words: tragedy     the black female     blue eyes     root
    毕业论文关键词:悲剧     黑人女性     蓝眼睛     根源
    Abstract    i
    摘要    ii
    Contents .iii
    Introduction    1
    Chapter One  The Tragedy of Pecola    5
    1.1 Pecola’s tragic life    5
    1.2 Causes of Pecola’s tragedy    6
    Chapter Two  The Tragedy of Mrs. Breedlove    9
    2.1 Mrs. Breedlove’s tragic life    9
    2.2 Causes of Mrs. Breedlove’s tragedy    10
    Chapter Three  The Rebellion of Claudia MacTeer    14
    3.1 A comparison between Pecola and Claudia MacTeer    14
    3.2 Pecola’s influence on Claudia    15
    Conclusion    17
    Works cited    19
    Tragedy and Rebellion: On the Black Females in The Bluest Eye
    Toni Morrison is of great importance in the history of American literature. She is not only a novelist, but also an editor and professor. She was the winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1988. In 1993, she was granted the Nobel Prize for Literature and thus became the first black female writer to win the great honor. Toni Morrison has published 7 novels, a play, a musical, and a collection of critical essays. She is famous for her novels which include epic themes, quite detailed characters and vivid dialogues. Her devoted readers spread all over the world regardless of the age, sex, or color. As an active member of the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, Morrison has always tried to call on the African-American writers to publish their works.    
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