    毕业论文关键词:中国地名; 英译; 策略
    Abstract Since more and more exchanges between China and the international communities, international exchanges have become closer and closer. The places of China will increasingly be known, also will be used more frequently in the international situations. In this case, the translation of Chinese place names must be used according to the theory what provided. At the same time, we should take into consideration the cultural factors in translation and cultural differences, and combine with the translation of public signs such as concrete examples of the city, summed up several specific methods of translation. That is, the transliteration, transliteration as a supplement, there should be “alienation” of the difference. Then, to strengthen the standardization of place name translation about our country place name, especially the meanings of communication of large and medium sized cities in our country is especially significant. We must go to study deeply, make the appropriate strategies to solve these problems, and promote the development of place names translation work in China.
    Keywords: Chinese place name; English translation; strategy
    English Translation Strategies of Chinese Place Names
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction…..    1
    II. Theories and Principles…......    1
    2.1 Translation Theory...    1
    2.2 Translation Principles Containing Cultural Factors …...…..3
    2.3 The Using of Chinese Pinyin…...….....4
    III.Specific Translation Examples...….…..    5
    3.1 The contrast on both Sides of the Taiwan Straits….….6
    3.2 Translation of Chinese Administrative Division .7
    3.3 Urban Public Language Translation…    9
    IV. The strategies of Chinese place name translation .............10
    4.1 Free Translation Strategies.........10
    4.2 Transliteration Strategies….    10
    4.3 The Translation Strategies of Cultural Places..    10
    4.4 “Alienation” Strategies…    11
    V. Conclusion..    …12
    Acknowledgements…..    14
    I. Introduction
    Place name associated with the generation of human society came into being, along with the development of human society. It not only contributes to the human life exchanges, but also reflects the development of economy, politics and culture in different times. Therefore, place name is a condensed history and place names are the abbreviation of culture. Chinese place names are closely connected with culture.
    Place name is a product of history, the symbol of national sovereignty, the guide of daily life, the medium of social interaction. During information society, the place names plays a very important role in the international political, economic, diplomatic, foreign trade, technology, cultural exchanges, press and publication and social life.
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