
    The Call of the Wild is regarded as one of Jack London’s most representative works. Researching on his work in our country begins in 1920s, which is introduced to the version of translation of that work. The study of this work can truly be focused in recent more ten years, which can be roughly pided into the following two phases. This period from 1997 to 1999 is characterized by summarized view for his works through historical criticism. Firstly, for instance, as some scholar in Best Short Stories of Jack London comments that The Call of the Wild is a masterpiece instead of Martin Eden, and therefore the interpretation of the works becomes quite active. A comment states that the work is called fable, showing the essence of human nature; it is called escapist literature to express the understanding of human with implicit art forms; it is called Darwinian epic; it was classified as a symbol of their autobiographical works.

    Understanding The Call of the Wild by Claudia Durst Johnson (2008:97) illustrates that it concerns not only a story of a dog’s adventurous transformation, also a story in which dog’s life reflects the truth of human survival condition. The novel reflects the complexity of the real world. The dogs and human beings are compelled to satisfy with human greed. Manuel’s greed for money to repay his gambling debts, the dog breaker’s greed for a fee for his services, the kidnappers’ greed for profit from the sale of an excellent dog, greed leads men and dogs into a tragedy. In conclusion, a more detailed description of this work can be found in six chapters of this book.
  1. 上一篇:从《浮士德的悲剧》看文艺复兴对英国文化的影响
  2. 下一篇:《儿子与情人》俄狄浦斯情结
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