    摘 要阿甘正传是一部成功的小说和改编电影。原著小说作者是美国作家温斯顿•格鲁姆。故事发生在20世纪的40至80年代,主要描述先天迟钝的小镇男孩阿甘通过自己不懈的奋斗在各个领域都取得很大成功的故事。论文主要的人物对象是主人公阿甘。本篇运用了多种研究方法,如历史分析法,观察法。本文通过解析电影《阿甘正传》的时代历史背景,分析了美国梦产生的时代特征,阐释了美国梦和乐观主义的含义及由来。对文中的主要人物形象珍妮,阿甘母亲,丹中尉也进行了分析。本文通过描述阿甘个人的成长奋斗历史,旨在向人们展示美国梦的意义,即只要肯努力每个人都能创造奇迹。通过学习本文,可以更加深刻的理解电影以及美国历史和美国文化的核心。36446
    毕业论文关键词:阿甘; 美国梦; 乐观主义; 文化
    Abstract Forrest Gump, written by the American writer Winston Glum, is a successful novel and movie. The background of the movie primarily starts from 1940s to the 1980s. It depicts a congenial retarded small town boy Forrest who ultimately became successful in various fields through his self-improvement. The main study of this paper is the protagonist Forrest. All kinds of methods are used in the paper, such as history analysis, observation. This paper analyses the historical background of the movie, the characteristics of the times produced by the American Dream, interpretation of the meaning and origin of American dream and Optimism. The main characters Jenny, Forrest’s Mother, Dan are also manifested in the paper. The paper manifest the personal growth history of Forrest, aiming to show people the meaning of American Dream. If you work hard, you have a chance to make a miracle. Hopefully, through the study of the whole paper, it will be beneficial to the understanding of the movie and the history, also the core of American culture.
    Key words:Forrest Gump; American Dream; Optimism; culture
    On American Dream and Optimism in Forrest Gump
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The Analysis of American Dream and Optimism.    2
    2.1 The Definition and Origin of American Dream    2
    2.2 The Background of American Dream    4
    2.3 The Relationship Between the Movie and American Dream    5
    III. The Exploration of Optimism    6
    3.1 The Optimism of America    7
    3.2 The Movie and Optimism    8
    IV. The Analysis of the Characters    10
    4.1 The Analysis of Jenny    10
    4.2 The Analysis of Lieutenant Dan    12
    4.3 The Analysis of Forrest’s Mother    12
    V. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgments    16
    I. Introduction
    The film is adapted from the novel written by Winston Glum and published in 1986. It describes the congenital mental retardation boy from a small town, through unremitting self-improvement, creating a miracle in the fields of inspirational stories. After its release, it won Oscar Awards for best film, best actor, best director in 1995. The combination of entertainment and inspiration left a profound impact to the audience in mind, under entertainment contains a deep cultural connotation of history. In essence, this is a historical reflection movie. As the director said, the film is unique in that it aired on the one hand, the United States, the mainstream ideology, but on the other hand, the avant-garde of the new culture were negative. It was recognized as a successful social “myth” by the praised and cursed people. The shooting background of Forrest primarily starts from the 1940s to the 1980s in the United States. This is the most chaotic period in American history. A series of historical events such as the civil rights movement and the women’s liberation movement, political assassination, sexual liberation, rock, and other hippie drug culture appeared. The author of the novel, he described a typical American people. The IQ of Forrest is lower than ordinary people in nature, including his mother, but he himself did not think that this is a problem. His mother insisted that he has no difference with others. These have had a significant impact on Forrest. The whole movie try to show the definition of American Dream by using different characters. Forrest’s honest and brave spirit even in the distorted materialistic society, it will not change their moral standards and spiritual support-American Dream. The film was a journey of struggle, a second baptism of the soul. Most important, because of American Dream, it gives a comforting and encouraging feeling to people, as well as the hope. Gump in the slang is “dumb, stupid”. Forrest’s IQ is 75, even can’t say a complex sentence. But it was such a person who made a huge success in American society.
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