    摘 要目前中学生在英语课堂中的沉默现象较为普遍,英语教师虽使出浑身解数,但教学效果仍不尽人意。因此,根据初中英语教学过程中所出现的课堂沉默现象,作者通过图书馆、网络搜集资料,阅读相关书籍、学术期刊、学位论文等展开写作,从学生、老师、课堂环境等方面对此现象进行分析,并在此基础上提出一些改善英语课堂沉默的策略。这不仅能为教师客观分析和判断学生在课堂中的参与行为提供依据,又能充分发挥学生积极能动性,提高英语教学效率。36450
    Abstract Class silence phenomenon in junior middle school is relatively common. Although English teachers solve this problem by hard working, the teaching result is far from satisfactory. According to the class silence phenomenon which appears in English teaching in junior middle school, the author will gather some information and materials through the library, the Internet, journals, dissertations and then analyze this phenomenon from the aspect of students, teachers and class environment. Based on the analysis, the author will make some feasible suggestions to change English class silence, aiming at analyzing the students’ behavior of participation in the classroom as well as improving the English teaching efficiency.  
    Key words: English class in junior middle school; silence; analysis; strategies
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The Basic Meaning and Categories of Class Silence    2
     2.1 The Definition of Class Silence    2
     2.2 The Classification of the Class Silence    3
    III. The Factors Affecting English Class Silence in Junior Middle School    5
    3.1 The Factors of Students…………….5
    3.2 The Factors of Teachers    7
     3.3 The Factors of Classroom Environment    9
    IV. Strategies to Change English Class Silence    10
     4.1 From the Aspects of Students    10
     4.2 From the Aspects of the Teacher    11
     4.3 Creating a Good Class Environment    13
    V. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgements    16 An Analysis of English Class Silence in Junior Middle School
    I. Introduction  
    Nowadays, globalization makes the world contact closer and closer, English as one of the most widely used languages in the world has become more and more prominent. As an international language, English plays an important role in spreading specialized knowledge and exchanging specialized research fruits. English teaching is also become an important part of basic education. The phenomenon of class silence has a very adverse impact on English teaching. On the one hand, teachers are unable to adjust the teaching schedule and teaching evaluation effectively, on the other hand, students lack a lot of practice and communication opportunities, and it is not good for their development of the English ability, too.
        At present, the English teaching in China is mainly exam-oriented education aiming at examinations and English class only pays attention to the instruction and memorization of language points. Teachers instruct in the classrooms from beginning to the end and the atmosphere is dull and boring. English learners under this teaching model lack the communication competence. “Class silence” exists widely in the teaching in junior middle school, which is extremely harmful to English learning.        
    Many foreign scholars made deep studies of the class silence. S. Harumi set Japanese English teaching as example and analyzed the main reasons for students’ silence in the classroom. Under the influence of Japanese traditional cultural background, Japanese students thought that silence was the virtue. Japanese students were prudent in speaking during the process of learning English and silence became their main patter of thinking. Under the influence of these factors, Japanese English classrooms had “silence” phenomenon that teachers would not like to ask questions and students would not like to speak. Finally, he put forward corresponding countermeasures towards the above problems.
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