    摘 要委婉语不仅是一种语言现象,也是一种文化现象。无论在英语还是在汉语中,委婉语的运用均十分广泛,历史悠久。通过对比,本文从中西方文化的几个方面详细阐述了委婉语的语用特征,并从语用特征角度分析了委婉语的语用功能,包括美化功能,掩饰功能,幽默功能和礼貌功能等。本文的实践意义在于其分析结论有助于保证信息传递的顺利进行并促进人们的日常交流。36449
    Abstract Euphemism is not only a linguistic phenomenon, but also a cultural phenomenon. Either in English or in Chinese, the use of euphemism is very extensive, which also has a long history. By the means of contrastive analysis, this paper elaborated the  pragmatic features of euphemism from several aspects of culture and analyzed the pragmatic functions of euphemism, including beautifying function, humor function, covering-up function and politeness function. Practical significance of this paper lies in that its analysis can help ensure the smooth progress of transferring information and promote people’s daily communication.
    Key words: euphemism; the Chinese and Western culture; the pragmatic functions
    I. Introduction.1
    II. Ways to Express Euphemism 1
      2.1 Figures of Speech1
      2.2 Macropragmatic.    .3
    III. The Application of Euphemism in Sino-Western Culture5
      3.1 Euphemism in Religion.5
      3.2 Euphemism in Social Psychology.6
      3.3 Euphemism in Politics.7
      3.4 Euphemism in Business Activities9
    IV. The Pragmatic Functions of Euphemism in Chinese and Western Culture10
      4.1 Beautifying Function10
      4.2 Hummor Function .10
      4.3 Covering-up Function .10
      4.4 Politeness Function .13
    V. Conclusion.13
    On Pragmatic Features of Euphemism in Chinese and Western Culture   
    I. Introduction
    Euphemisms refers to when people are not willing to say a taboo animal or an action, And had to indicate the animals or action, can use some beautiful words to substitute, to suggest with the metaphor expression and to prompt with twists and turns. (Zhang 234). English word “euphemism” comes from Greece, whose suffix, “eu” means “good”, and root “- phemism” means “researched”. So the literal meaning of the word is “good of the signs in the word”. It is commonly referred to as “sweet”, “act the role of the words”, “easy words” or “fancy words”, etc. About the scope of euphemism, Shu Dingfang thought “it is necessary to distinguish two kinds of meaning of euphemism: One is a kind of narrow sense, namely the euphemism words, generally,which is common, used within a certain range after a period of time by most people received, most of them are the words or phrases; another is a broad euphemism, which was a way to construct an expression temporarily with varied kinds of language means or speech means (such as light read, change the sound), or the grammar means (such as negative, tense, voice), or discourse means (such as chapter). This kind of euphemism generally has a temporary, inpidual characteristic (such as personal characteristic). (Shu 38 ). In the Encyclopedia of English the interpretation of “euphemism” as follows: it is a metaphor that you describe something unpleasant, upsetting, or some other obscene things in a less offensive way. Regarding the development of euphemism in China as early as in 1976, the Chinese scholars Chen Wangdao published in his book “the rhetoric the introduction”, a definition for euphemism and studies euphemism from the perspective of rhetoric. The western scholars have studied the phenomenon of euphemism early. In the early 1580s, the British writer George Blunt is reference for the first time in English euphemism is a word, and gives such a definition: “euphemism is a good or favorable interpretation of a bad word.” this sentence means that euphemism is variations of some dirty words. In fact, in real life, some words is not proper to speak directly, but as long as they have some changes, which can also be acceptable. In a word, “taboo” avoid “unpleasant” and “politeness” avoid “indecent”, that is the social basis of euphemism” (Zhou 3).
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