    摘 要宋词被认为是中国经典的瑰宝,具有优雅的风格,精致的语言和文化形象。在全球化时代,越来越多的为国人开始沉迷中国古典词学。宋词能介绍中国文化,弥合不同的文化。许多翻译家开始注重宋词。这篇论文主要采用对比分析法,对中外翻译家不同版本的关于李清照的词进行应以的对比分析。本文主要研究李清照词的翻译。从而得出研究李清照词对于翻译的推动有重要的作用。通过这篇论文使人们更加了解翻译的重要性。36448
    毕业论文关键词:李清照; 词;翻译;对比分析
    Abstract Ci-poetry is considered a treasure of Chinese classics, with elegant style, refined language and cultural images. In the age of globalization, more and more foreigners become indulged by classical Chinese Ci-poetry. Ci-poetry can introduce Chinese culture to the foreign countries and bridge different cultures. Many translators began to focus on Ci-poetry. This paper uses comparative analysis, and expounds on comparative analysis on different translation versions of Li Qingzhao’s Ci-poetry. This thesis mainly discusses the translation of Li Qingzhao’s Ci-poetry. Accordingly, studying Li Qingzhao’s Ci-poetry is very important to translation. This paper makes people aware of the importance of translation deeply.
    Key words: Li Qingzhao; Ci-poetry; Translation; Comparative Analysis
    A Comparative Study of English Translation of Li Qingzhao’s Ci-poetry
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Li Qingzhao’s Ci-poetry and Translation    2
    2.1 Li Qingzhao’s Ci Poems    2
    2.2 Translation by Chinese    2
    2.3 English Version and Their Translation Studies Abroad    3
    III. Theoretical Foundation    4
    3.1 Features of Li Qingzhao’s Ci Poems    4
    3.2 Artistic Conception of Translation    6
    IV. Comparative Analysis of Colloquial Words    8
    4.1 Introduction to Colloquial Words    8
    4.2 Analysis of the Translation of Li Qingzhao’s Ci    8
    4.3 Three Schools of the Translation of Li Qingzhao’s Ci-poetry    12
    V. Conclusion    15
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgment    17
    I. Introduction

    Li Qingzhao, the greatest female poet in Chinese literary history, is well-known both at home and abroad. Her Ci-poetry are the treasures of Chinese classics and have long been appreciated throughout the world. Ci-poetry plays a important role in the world.
    Ci-poetry which is a special form of literature, plays a very important role in ancient Chinese history. Compared with Tang Poetry, it can express more delicate, more refined and more subtle feelings. Ci-poetry in the Song Dynasty is pided into two schools: gentle and restrained school, heroic and unconstrained schools. Li Qingzhao belongs to the first one.
    In recent years, translation has already made a great achievement in China, but the translation of Chinese classical works is far from enough. Because Chinese traditional culture has a long history, and it is really deep. Translation in China are responsible for introducing it into the world and to promote our excellent writers and masterpieces. Li Qingzhao’s Ci-poetry is an important part in Chinese classical literature. However, the translation studies on Li Qingzhao have been progressed equally.
    Li Qingzhao(1084---1151) made a great contribution to Ci-poem. Her Ci-poetry are famous for its qenuinc feelings, vivid images and beautiful rhymes , and lauding as the most prominent poetess of Ci-poems in the history of Chinese classical literature. she was acknowledged the extraordinary gifted poetess who exerts profound effect on many contemporary and later poets. Translation of Li Qingzhao’s Ci-poetry began early both in China and foreign countries.
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