    摘 要20世纪60年代的美国处于二战后的和平时期,这一时期的美国社会凸显出各种社会问题,揭露了荒诞令人绝望的世界。《第二十二条军规》就是在这样的背景下诞生的,它是后现代主义“黑色幽默”流派的奠基作。本论文以文本分析的研究方法为主,着重分析荒诞主义在本小说中的应用,即荒诞主义在小说中的人物刻画及主题描写中的表现。结合荒诞主义的特点,以及荒诞主义在这部小说中的详细体现,阐述了荒诞文学在小说中的应用价值。本论文对荒诞主义的研究能够帮助读者更好地欣赏这部小说,进一步了解西方荒诞文学理论,为中国荒诞文学的发展奠定了基础。36684
    Abstract America was in peace time in the 1960s after World WarⅡ. This period of American society highlights a various kinds of social problems and exposed an absurdly desperate world. Under this background, the Catch-22 was created. It is the foundation of post-modernism black humor. Mainly by text analysis approach, this paper emphatically focuses on the application of absurdism in the novel. That is, how the absurdism is performed in the characterization and theme description. Combined with the characteristics and the details of absurdism, this paper expounds the absurdity literature application value in the novel. In this paper, the research of absurdism can help readers to better appreciate the novel, further understand western literary theory, and lay the foundation for the development of Chinese literary.
    Key words: absurdity; Catch-22; language ; artistic value
    Analysis On the successful use of absurdity in Catch-22
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Absurdity    3
    2.1 Development of the Absurd School    3
    2.2 Characteristics of Absurdity    4
    III. Linguistic Analysis of Catch-22    5
    3. 1 Contradiction    5
    3. 2 Ambiguous Expressions    6
    3. 3 Repetition and Inappropriate Sentences    6
    3. 4 Circular Conversation    7
    IV. Absurdity in Catch-22    8
    4.1 Characterization of Catch-22    8
    4.1.1 Yossarian    8
    4.1.2 Other Characters    9
    4.2 Themes of Catch-22    10
    4.2.1 The Chaotic World    10
    4.2.2 Absurdity of the ruling Class in Military Force    11
    V. Conclusion    12
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgements    15
    I. Introduction

    In this part, the paper is to give a brief introduction of Joseph Heller and the literature review of Catch-22. The author was one of the most famous writers of black humor and the Catch-22, as one of his masterpiece gained world-fame.
    Joseph Heller (1923-1999) was one of the most prominent contemporary novelists in the United States, known as a representative of Black Humor. He had published several short stories which are collected in Catch As Catch Can: The Collected Stories and Other Writings (2003), plays—We Bombed in New Haven (1960), Clevenger's Trial (1973), and novels, such as Good as Gold(1979), God Knows(1984) , and the best known ones Catch-22 and Something Happened, and so on.
    Born in a Russia-Jewish immigrant family, he led a hard life during his childhood. Critics say that the unique characteristics of his cynical, street-style humor is indebted to his childhood experience in Brooklyn, Coney Island. After graduated from Abraham Lincoln High School in 1941, he served as a bombardier in the Army Air Corps in World War II. In 1944, he was sent to Corsica, Italy, as a B-25 bombardier, and demanded to fly sixty combat missions. It was his personal war experience that solidified his lifelong opposition to war. He began his college education in New York University after returning from the WWII and obtained a M.A. from Columbia University. Since 1958, he worked as an English instructor teaching English fiction and drama writing at Pennsylvania State University. In December, 1999, he died of a heart attack.
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