    Acknowledgements I would like to acknowledge and express my sincere and heartfelt appreciation to many people, without the help of them this thesis would not have been completed. First of all, my profound gratitude first goes to Professor Yan Ming, my supervisor, for her helpful suggestions, comments and encouragements from which I benefit a lot. She has provided me with critical yet inspiring thoughts about the thesis. I have learned a lot from her earnest attitude towards intercultural research.36727
    Secondly, I want to express my sincere gratitude to my parents. They are not rich, but they try their best to give me all they can give. They are not well-educated, but they teach me how to be a good, useful and responsible person. They are ordinary, but they tell me I can have great dreams and I can be successful if working hard.
    Last but not least, I’d like to thank those leaders, teachers and working staff especially those in the School of Foreign Language. And also I’d like to express my gratitude to my classmates who offered me references and information on time. Without their help, it would be much harder for me to finish my study and this paper.
    Abstract Female culture, as the indispensable part in the comparison of Chinese and western culture has rouse increasing attention in the study of cross-cultural research field since the emergence of women movement and feminism theories. This paper probes the female values of the two countries in different generations that reflected from the masterpiece in The Joy Luck Club under the guidance of cross-cultural communication theories and feminism theories.
    This paper consists of five parts. After the step by step comparison of the value differences from the perspective of Hofstde’s cultural dimensions, the conclusion of this paper comes as the following: in The Joy Luck Club, the value differences of Chinese women and American women mainly reflected in their view on family, marriage, the filial piety culture,consumption as well as the sense of female self-awareness. The implication of the present study helps to call for tracing the origins of female value changes from a cultural perspective and taking a neutral stance on value relativism and cultural perspective, and listening to the voices of women from the depths of their hearts.
    Key words: cultural differences, female value, The Joy Luck Club
    Acknowledgements    ….i
    Abstract    ii
    摘要    iii
    1 Introduction    1
    2 Literature Review    3
    2.1 A Review on The Joy Luck Club    3
    2.2 The Typical Studies on Feminism    4
    2.3 Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions    5

    3 The Female Values of Different Culture    8
    3.1 The Female Values in China and America    8
    3.2 The Female Values of Mothers and Daughters in The Joy Luck Club    9
    4 Transformation of Female Values of Chinese born Culture    15
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