
    In order to help readers have a deep understanding of the relationship between The Old Man and the Sea and the Holy Bible, and make a specific comprehending to the profound influence of Hemingway’s work witch influenced by the Holy Bible, the author of this paper ties to analyze The Old Man and the Sea from a biblical perspective terms of images and themes which can show the profound influence of the Holy Bible. This thesis focuses on analyzing the images and themes of The Old Man and the Sea to demonstrate the close connection between the novella and the Holy Bible.

    II. The Holy Bible and The old Man and the Sea

    2.1 The Holy Bible and Ernest Hemingway
    The influence of Christian culture has spread all over the world. It is generally recognized as the origin of western literature. During nearly 2000-year’s development,  Christianity has exerted great influence to the theology structure, philosophical thinking mode, linguistic expression and literary artistic style of the western culture. Christian cultures greatly enrich the content of human beings’ civilization.
    The Holy Bible, the model cannon of many literary works, is a very important religious canon in the history of human civilization. It already goes deep into every westerner’s life and makes a profound influence to the culture of many western countries. No book has influenced American history and culture more than the Holy Bible. There are two parts in the Holy Bible: one is the Old Testament, another is the New Testament. Indeed, the Holy Bible was long the wellspring of national mythology, although the prevailing biblical stories and imagery changes with time and circumstance. Of course, it also infects and nourishes many internationally renowned literary giants of generations. Ernest Miller Hemingway is one of them.
    In 1899, Ernest Miller Hemingway was born in a congregational family in suburban Chicago. During all his life Ernest Hemingway is regarded as one of the most remarkable American writers of the 20th century. He is also the winner of Pulitzer Prize in 1953 and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. His farther is a doctor with a highly reputation liked hunting and fishing. His mother was not only a music teacher but also a singer and a lover of high culture. In his childhood, influenced by his parents, he is found of music, fishing, hunting, boxing that shaped his determined character and affected his life. In 1917, he graduated from Oak Park High School and chose not to attend university as others did. Instead, he left home and became a member of journalist for the star in Kansas City. During this period, he laid the solid foundation of his concise and lively writing style by working hard and receiving strict training. But soon, the young Hemingway began to taste the suffering of life. In 1918, is the last phase of the World War I, he joined American Red Cross as a war correspondent. When he was performing tasks in the front of Italy, he suffered shrapnel wounds, but he insisted on going back to the front after three months’ treatment until the war ended. His experience of taking part in the World War I makes Hemingway create many “code heroes” in his works, Such as boxer, fisherman, matador and so on. In Hemingway’s descriptions, these “code heroes” all show their characters of strong willpower, boldness, and integrity when they are facing the harsh reality. According to Hemingway’s personality and experiences, he seems to create figures that were shadows of himself. There is no doubt that the most important figure is the old fisherman Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea. The experience of taking part in the war also makes a deep influence on the creation of Santiago.
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