    摘 要随着美剧《吸血鬼日记》的热播,中国观众对吸血鬼文化及剧中具有鲜明特色的人物角色产生了浓厚的兴趣。本论文主要基于热播美剧《吸血鬼日记》,深入分析剧中人物凯瑟琳的性格。本文挖掘她在剧中的特殊表现,从她罪恶和人性的两面分析她的性格。凯瑟琳是一个自私冷漠的女人,但她仍是一个重视亲情,人性未泯的人。在凯瑟琳这样一个富有争议的角色身上有着被现代女性所推崇的坚强果敢。40706
    Abstract With the broadcast of the Vampire Diaries, the characters in the play have caught a great attention from Chinese audiences. This paper is based on the TV series The Vampire Diaries and to analyze Katherine’s character. This paper digs into her special performance in the TV play and analyzes her character from both sides of her sin and humanity. Katherine is a smart and selfish woman, but she still cherishes family and always has humanity in her heart. We can see the strong determination on Katherine which was admired by modern women.
    Key words: The Vampire Diaries; Katherine; character; kindness and evil
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Historical Background Information    2
    2.1 The General Plot of The Vampire Diaries    2
    2.2 The Historical Background of Vampires    3
    2.3 The Experiences of Katherine as a Human and a Vampire    4
    III. The Analysis of Katherine’s Character    5
    3.1 The Negative Aspects of Her Character    5
    3.1.1 Her Selfishness    5
    3.1.2 Her Cold-blood    6
    3.1.3 Her Greed    7
    3.2 Her Humanity    8
    IV. Conclusion    10
    Bibliography    12
    Acknowledgements    13
    The Analysis of Katherine’s Character in The Vampire Diaries
    I. Introduction

    In recent years, the vampire literature style is increasingly popular in the domestic film and television works, even have heated up. This TV series is filled with the conflicts between darkness and brightness and the fights between evil and justice. All elements keep going and going and at the same time there are always the causes and effects of each other. With changes of these elements, heroes and heroines’ characters also keep changing.
    The vampire legend rudiment appeared in the medieval of Europe. With the advent of the Renaissance, some literary works began to design the vampire theme. These works visualized the world of vampire and creatively described the origin and history of vampire. And vampire culture has formed officially. In most vampire works, vampire isn’t evil at the beginning, but they keep away from human gradually and their mind and ways of action changed. Their nature will emerge eventually.
    According to Freud’s theory, ego is subconscious and it isn’t constrainted by morality, and only follows the principle of pleasure and free of pain. Superego behaves as conscience in humanity, and is dominated by perfection principle. When a person is transfered into a vampire, all the emotions are heightened, which means ego is heightened and superego is weakened. Vampires rely on their supernatural power beyond laws and orders, because they will not be punished. If they feed on human, even they know that’s horrible to kill people, they don’t respect the life from the deep of their heart.
    The Vampire Diaries is a popular American fantasy series with Katherine and Elena are the heroines. Though they looked exactly alike, their characters are completely opposite. Elena is kind-hearted and tolerant. However, Katherine is selfish, arrogant and marble. This topic makes a research on Katherine’s destiny and personality traits, to dig her vampire personality characteristics which are more complex and aggressive than the human’s.
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