    Abstract With the development of globalization, intercultural communication is getting increasingly popular. People have more opportunities to communicate with people coming from perse cultural background. Having a successful communication is a good foundation to start a relationship. Therefore, it is extremely essential to create a comfortable conversation environment and avoid referring to some private issues or questions in communication. Knowing the thoughts and behaviors of people in different countries about privacy can greatly facilitate the efficiency and outcome of intercultural communication.
    This essay is composed of six parts. First, the definition of the privacy and different attitudes towards privacy in China and America will be discussed briefly. The second part focuses on the literature review of some relevant theories about culture, communication and privacy. The third part will explore the different concepts of privacy in China and America with specific details in communication. The causes of different concepts of privacy between China and America will be analyzed in the fourth part. The fifth part will discuss the research tendency of the concept of privacy and put forward some relevant suggestions on how to raise people’s intercultural communication competence in different cultures. At last, the essay will end with a natural conclusion with a brief explanation to achieve the purpose of the research.
    Key word: privacy, culture, communication, cultural communication, intercultural communication competence
     摘要 随着全球化的发展,跨文化交流已经变得越来越普遍。人们有更多机会与来自不同文化背景的人进行交流。有效的交流是开启友谊的良好基础。因此,创造一个舒适的谈话氛围以及避免在交流中提及私人话题或隐私问题是非常有必要的。熟知不同文化中的隐私观对于跨文化交际的效率和效果会有很大的帮助。
    Abstract. .ii
    1 Introduction.    1
    2 Literature Review3
    2.1 Culture and Communication.3
    2.2 Intercultural Communication.    .4
    2.3 Privacy Attitudes and Culture.4
    2.4 Study on Privacy in China and America    5
    2.5 Importance of Privacy in Intercultural Communication.6

    3 Chinese and American Attitudes towards Privacy.8
    3.1 Privacy and Salary8
    3.2 Privacy and Space.8
    3.3 Privacy and Visiting9
    3.4 Privacy and Public Space9
    3.5 Case Study on Chinese and American Attitudes towards Privacy.10
    3.6 Case Analysis of Chinese and American Attitudes towards Privacy.12

    4 The Cause of Different Concepts of Privacy between China and America.     13
    4.1 Inpidualism and Collectivism    13
    4.2 High and Low Context Cultures    14
    4.3 Agriculture and Industry Cultures    15

    5 The Tendency of the Study on Concept of Privacy and Some Suggestions.  17

    6 Conclusion    19

    Bibliography.    21
    1. Introduction
    With the rapid development of economy, science, communication technology and culture, the world is shrinking into a global village and the contact between people all over the world is becoming more and more convenient. Internationally, people who have different cultural backgrounds have more opportunities to encounter each other during study, travel, business interactions, etc. Thus, in order to avoid unnecessary embarrassment and inappropriate topics, it is quite important for us to learn different cultures in China and America among which the understanding of privacy is a must.
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