    摘 要中国的英语学习者缺乏真实的语言学习环境,而且深受汉语思文和表达习惯的干扰,常把母语的特征移入到英语学习中,导致母语负迁移现象的产生,语音的负迁移即是其中之一。语音是语言的载体,在人们的交流过程中起着至关重要的作用,有问题的语音将影响人们正常的交流与沟通。本文运用实例分析法归纳和总结中国英语学习者在清、浊辅音、重音、长短音、元音、口音等方面因汉语负迁移而常犯的语音错误,并提出通过加强训练,增加纯正语音输入等方法来克服方言、困难发音等方面的问题,最后作者得出结论,英汉语音之间的对比研究对促进英语语音教学、克服语音负迁移具有重要作用。39234
    Abstract Chinese learners of English lack real language learning environment, and are usually influenced deeply by Chinese thinking and expressing habits. They often transplant the characteristics of Chinese into the English learning, which leads to the phenomenon of negative transfer of mother tongue. The phonetics is one of the most serious aspects influenced by the native language. The voice is the carrier of language, which plays a vital role in people’s communication. The abnormal pronunciation will affect people’s normal communication. This paper applies example analysis to summarize the mistakes Chinese learners of English often make in the light and voiced consonants, stress, sound length, vowels and accent etc. These mistakes are usually due to the negative transfer of Chinese. The author puts forward that students can overcome the dialect and some difficult phonemes by strengthening training and increasing the pure voice input and pronunciation. Finally, the thesis concludes that the contrastive study between English and Chinese phonetics can promote the teaching of English phonetics and help students overcome the negative transfer of mother tongue.
    Key words: mother tongue; phonetics teaching; negative transfer; Chinese learners of English
    摘 要..i
    I. Introduction..1
    II. The Standard Pronunciation of English and Chinese....1
    2.1 Received Pronunciation of English......1
    2.2 Standard Chinese Pronunciation...2
    2.3 The Importance of Phonetic Teaching....3
    III. The Negative Transfer of Chinese in Learning English Phonetic.....4
    3.1 The Light and Voiced Consonants. ......4
    3.2 Stress Changes...............................5
    3.3 The Length of the Sound Changes....6
    3.4 Vowels..7
    3.5 Accent...7
    IV. Countermeasures against the Negative Transfer of Phonetics ...8
    4.1 Overcoming the Difficult Phonemes....8
    4.2 Overcoming the Dialect....9
    4.3 Overcoming Incomplete Corresponding Phonemes.....9
    V. Conclusion10
    On the Negative Transfer in English Phonetics Teaching
    I.    Introduction
    In recent years, communication between China and most of western countries has become more and more frequent.English is more and more important in our daily life.Scholars around the world including Chinese scholars have carried on a large number of researches in foreign language teaching and learning.However, there is lack of attention to pronunciation. Pronunciation in the English teaching often receives unsatisfactory result.It is quite necessary to explore some efficient approaches to conduct teaching of pronunciation. In order to understand other people’s words and to make someone understand easily and exactly, students must pronounce the speech sounds and sentences in that language intelligibly. The more easily we speak English, the more rapidly we can understand each other and be understood. The reasons are as follows:
    Firstly, language is the basic of the communication. Spoken language as the instrument of society is the most important and convenient way of communication and coordinating activities.
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