    摘 要《野性的呼唤》是20世纪美国作家杰克﹒伦敦的成名作。这部小说讲述了名叫巴克的狗,从一条已经被驯养的文明社会的狗,重回到原始自然中,重新找回野性,并当上狼首领的过程。本文主要通过对《野性的呼唤》的分析来研究小说本身与作者杰克﹒伦敦之间的关系,以及这部小说所折射的主要思想:“适者生存”的理念,人性与野性的矛盾,对回归自然的渴望,并探究其原因。希望本文的研究会加深对作者以及小说的解读。39235
    Abstract   The Call of the Wild is written by Jack London who is the 20th century American writer. This novel describes the process of a dog named Buck, who is a domesticated dogs in the civilized social. But when it had been placed in the original nature, Buck turned to the wild and eventually became a leader of the wolf. Based on the analysis of the novel The Call of the Wild, the author will mainly analyze the relationship between the novel and the author. And the main thoughts reflected in the novel such as the theory of “the survival of the fittest”, the contradiction between the human nature and the wildness, the desire for return to nature. And the reasons will also be discussed in the paper. The research will be expected to help readers have a better understanding of the author and the novel.
     Key Words: The Call of the Wild ; Jack London; the survival of the fittest
    The Call of the Wild——A Mirror of the Refraction of Jack London
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Brief Introduction to Jack London and The Call of the Wild    2
    2. 1 Jack London    2
    2. 2 The Call of the Wild    3
    III. The Main Thoughts Reflected in the Novel    4
    3. 1 The Survival of the Fittest    4
    3. 2 Contradiction Between the Human Nature and the Wildness    6
    3. 3 The Desire for Return to Nature    7
    IV. The Reasons for the Main Thoughts    8
    4. 1 The Background of the Novel    8
    4. 2 The Life Experience of Jack London    10
    V. Conclusion    12
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgements    15
    I. Introduction

    The Call of the Wild is written by the famous American writer named Jack London. Its publication has laid the foundation for Jack London in the world literature. The Call of the Wild tells about the hero Buck, who was sold to the dog dealer by the servant of his master, in the period of “the Great Gold Rush” in the U.S. On the way to the hard sledding, Buck has been changed master several times. Finally, Buck has a profound friendship with the last master John Thornton. He has rescued him from extreme heavy labor, and Buck has saved his life many times. But his master has been shoot from the Indians. After that, Buck came to the wilderness, responding to the call of the wild. That is what he is yearning of on the whole way.
    Although it has a simple plot, it is considered as a classic of American literature. The paper mainly analyzes the characteristics of Jack London’s writing themes, which are the descriptions of the contradiction between the nature and human. Based on The Call of the Wild, the behavior of its protagonist Buck’s final return symbolizes Jack London’s desire for freedom and the urgent aspiration of people.
    In recent years, many Chinese readers and foreign researchers have read and studied Jack London. There are many points of view, some scholars have made a deep analysis of the relationships between human nature and wildness. And few of scholars have paid attention to Ecological criticism, as a literary and cultural criticism method, which appeared in the 1970s. At the end of the 20th century it gradually began to be the widespread concern. More and more scholars have begun to explore the theory with the relationship between man and nature, literature and the nature (Wu 1). There are also many people thinking that it is the author’s yearning for freedom, the pursuit of the true meaning of freedom.
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