    Abstract The Merchant of Venice is the most important and popular comedy written by Shakespeare. It succeeded in truly presenting the human nature and human conflict. The paper gives the brief introduction of Shakespeare and The Merchant of Venice. Then the paper discusses the social background reflected in The Merchant of Venice. The paper also gives a brief introduction of Renaissance and Humanism. Shakespeare shapes a lot of typical characters in this play, such as Antonio, Shylock, Portia and Bassanio. The paper tries to analyze the persity of these main characters of The Merchant of Venice. The paper hopes to make a comprehensive and sharp understanding on the main characters by analysing.
    Key words: The Merchant of Venice; Humanism; main characters
    An Analysis of the Main Characters of The Merchant of Venice
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Social Background of the Play The Merchant of Venice    2
    2.1 The Brief Introduction of Shakespeare    2
    2.2 The Brief Introduction of The Merchant of Venice    3
    2.3 Social Background Reflected in The Merchant of Venice    4
    III. Analysis of the Main Characters of The Merchant of Venice    5
    3.1 The Character of Antonio    5
    3.2 The Character of Shylock    6
    3.3 The Character of Portia    9
    3.4 The Character of Bassanio    10
    IV. Conclusion    11
    Bibliography    13
    Acknowledgements    14
    I. Introduction

    William Shakespeare is a famous and outstanding writer in the world. People have deep love for him and his literary works. Exploring on the study of Shakespeare and The Merchant of Venice is meaningful and remarkable.
    It is known to all that The Merchant of Venice is one of the most excellent and splendid literary works of Shakespeare. There are many vivid characters in the whole play. The discussion of the main characters of The Merchant of Venice has been a hot topic in literature world. In this paper, I will present my viewpoint through analyzing the cultural background at that period. The historical background and the author’s writing style are also concluded. I will try to explore and dig out the inner implication of this play.
    According to the above, the organization of my paper is as follows.
    Firstly, it contains the brief introduction of Shakespeare and The Merchant of Venice and the social background reflected in The Merchant of Venice. As we all know, the author is the soul of a literary work. Every piece of the drama is filled with the author’s spiritual world and viewpoints. Consequently, taking the author into account firstly can be helpful for us to judge a literary work.
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