    Abstract Feminist movement rose up in Western society since 1970s. Under the influence of this movement, a reform movement of English language appeared aiming to eliminate gender bias with America performing outstandingly in this aspect. This paper mainly analyzes the phenomenon of gender bias in English. It also tries to find the reasons and coping strategies. Hopefully this paper will improve the position of women in current society and narrow gender bias in every corners of our society as far as possible.
    Key words: gender bias; English; solutions
    Gender bias in English
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Manifestations of Gender Bias in English    1
    2.1 The Inequality of Word-Formation    1
    2.2 The Connotation of Word Meaning    2
    2.3 The Dominant Position of Male    3
    2.4 The Use of Phrase Structure    3
    2.5 The Social Aspect    4
    III. The Reasons of Gender Bias    4
    3.1 Historical and Cultural Background    5
    3.2 Social Status    5
    3.3 Division of Occupations    6
    3.4 Influences of Political Factors    6
    3.5 Physical and Psychological Factors    7
    IV. Coping Strategy to Eliminate Gender Bias    7
    V. Conclusion    10
    Bibliography    11
    Acknowledgements    12
    I. Introduction

    It is no surprised that gender bias is in the society where we can found it in every corner easily. Gender bias is always bias against women group. Social members always believed that the status of women is not as high as men have, and this is why the problems generate. The language that we speak naturally is not associated with gender bias, but it mirrors the social value orientation and attitude. Some linguists pointed out that English is among the most sexist language. The accuracy of this conclusion is debatable, but it reflects that English, especially the sexism in English vocabularies, has gender bias. A study about gender bias in English can make changes to the current situation and improves the status of women.
    A knowledge of Feminism, makes people realize that the fighting for rights of women has become synonymous with man-hating, and it has to be stopped. For the record, feminism is the belief that women and men should have equal rights and opportunities, which is the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes. This paper meanly illustrates the reasons of gender bias and how to deal with it.

    II. Manifestations of Gender Bias in English

    According to the definition in McMillan Advanced Dictionary (76), gender bias means: the belief that men and women should be treated in a different way and suited to different ways and to different types of jobs and different positions in society. Consulting the definitions in other dictionaries, it is not difficult for us to find that gender bias is a kind of bias against female groups.
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