    摘  要《劝导》是由18世纪末19世纪初英国著名的女性小说家简•奥斯汀  (1775-1817) 所写。它主要讲述了安妮和温特沃斯之间曲折的爱情故事。这篇论文主要讨论了女性主义在《劝导》中的应用。根据女性主义理论和女性在社会和家庭中的地位,笔者全面分析了女性形象,女性的地位和《劝导》中所反映的女性意识,认为女性只有拥有独立的平等意识才能拥有真正的幸福。期望这篇文章对于理解这部小说会大有裨益。39392
    Abstract    Persuasion is written by Jane Austin (1775-1817), a famous British female novelist in the late 18th and early 19th Century. It is about the love story between Anne and Wentworth. This paper mainly discusses the application of feminist in the Persuasion. On the basis of the theory of feminist and the position of women in society and family, writer thoroughly analyzes female images, the position of women and consciousness-raising reflected in the Persuasion. Accordingly, it can be concluded that women only have self-independent equal consciousness and they can have true happiness. Hopefully this paper will be beneficial to the understanding of the novel.
    Key words: Jane Austin; Persuasion; female consciousness; feminist
    A Feminist View of Jane Austin’s Persuasion
    摘  要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Jane Austin and Persuasion    2
    2.1 About Jane Austin    2
    2.2 About Persuasion    3
    2.3 Literature Review    4
    III. Feminist Views and Jane Austin’s Feminist Views Reflected in This Novel    5
    3.1 Feminist Views in the Literature    5
    3.2 Feminist Views’ Reflection in the Novel    6
    IV. Analyzing the Main Female Character and Discussing Different Feminist    7
    4.1 The Ideal Woman –Anne Elliot    8
    4.2 The Poor but Optimistic Women–Mrs. Smith    10
    4.3 The Good-Breeding and Responsible Women–Lady Russell    11
    4.4 The Courageous and Commercial Women–Mrs. Croft    12
    V. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgments    17
    I. Introduction

        From late eighteenth Century to early nineteenth Century, vulgar and boring Sentimental Novel and Gothic Novel occupied British literature, and Austin’s novel is unconventional. It had been demonstrated the British countryside middle-class daily life and pastoral scenery which were affected by the capitalist industrial revolution. Her works often ivories people’s stupid, selfish and snobbish and blind confidence as ridiculous weakness through the comedy scene. We can see the whole society from a small window, there is important significance in the history of the development of British fiction. She is known as the “being on an equal status with Shakespeare”, her status in English literature becomes more and more important with time’s change, as some critics think that the technique is the most closely to Shakespeare, it’s no doubt to Jane Austin, and she is called the pride of Britain.
        Jane Austin has written six novels in her life, Sense and Sensibility (1811) are Jane Austin’s first novel, and writing skills have proficient. Pride and Prejudice (1813)   are the representative work of Jane Austin. Mansfield Park (1814) and other novels regard the love and marriage of the young men and women as the theme. Northanger Abbey (1818) the story becomes more and more marketing around the hero and heroine’s love development. Persuasion (1818) describes a tortuous love story. Persuasion is the last complete novel of the author and there are deeper feelings and thoughts than previous works. It is as the best works of Austen. Persuasion assures personal character evolution from cautious to romantic, undoubtedly it reflects the change of the author’s creative ideas, which is also a challenge to the traditional concept. The novel has many details, at the first glance we feel that it is ordinary, but when we appreciate it carefully, we will feel that it is meaningful.
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