
    Although the work productions have not got class nature and can be controlled to serve humans, translators all belong to a certain social class, which means the vocabularies are chosen due to different kinds of classes, and that will emphasize translators own political status. This vocabulary choosing action will make effect on politics.

    The development of social economy impact translation activities which changes with development requirements and production relations. The scope, scale, shape and function of translation also make great direct and indirect influence on the economy. It can explain economic phenomenons and the elements of transformation

    1.1 Research Design

    This essay desires to research those neologisms and find the translation strategy by analyzing existed translations among buzzwords and neologisms.

    To find a wholly precise equivalent word to elaborate a neologism is not easy(Jin, 2006: 46-50). Considering the malpractices in traditional translational skills, the aim of the essay is to find a more practical and effective method for translating.

    1.2    Literature Review
    Some experts have already studied and researched the translating methods. They have made great contribution while living some shortages.

    1.2.1 The Previous Study
    Buzzwords and neologisms have continually been emerged and created to adapt to the progress of society, coupling with the progressive development of production, science and technology and revolution of social life within fifty years. At present, the number of English vocabularies amounts to more than half a million, of which one third are created during recent three hundred years(Su, 2002:53-55). It follows that the translations can not be regularized in some translating methods.

    The translation of every buzzword satisfies the need for humans. There is no other period can be complex as well as various after 21st century. From different perspective, translation has got its own functions on social life, politics and economy, science and technology. It affects the development of society, promotes the Inheritance of a nation’s culture. As a kind of bridge of politics, economy and culture, buzzwords translation conveys the profound meaning as well as the language.

    The reason of creating buzzwords can be roughly pided into producing of new things, the evolution of the font of the harmonics and misreading, the occurrence of hot issues, the influence of TV programs, the widespread application of terms and new meanings of old words, etc.(Yu, 2011: 67)

    Buzzwords and neologisms both have distinctive features. They are vivid, simple but gender, widely based and have strong transmissibility(He, 2010: 276). They always related to politics of current events and show their strong characters and activity. They also imply human’s thinking mode and cognitive psychology to reveal the cognitive experience.

    1.2.2 Deficiencies of previous study
    With the development of our world, human beings are surrounded by various newly pronouns incessantly. These buzzwords or neologisms have been settled in our life and our daily expressions. Not equal as phoneticized language like English, Chinese have not got any newly created words (Chen, 2011: 137). The matter is how to use limited target language’s vocabulary or a single word to explain or convey original language’s buzzwords and neologisms.

    On the basis of research and investigation made by predecessors, a mass of deficiencies and shortages can be found and translating dead ends always lead to mistaken translation.
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