
    1    Introduction    1
    1.1    Background and Significance of the Study    1
    1.2    Methodology    2
    1.3    Literature Review    3
    2    Key Terms and Theoretical Framework    4
    2.1    Introductions of Key Terms    4
    2.2    Theoretical Framework of This Study    7
    3    A Comparison between Chinese and American Culture on Work Values    12
    3.1    A Comparison between Chinese and American Work Values    12
    3.2    Analysis of Cultural Differences behind Chinese and American Work Values    16
    4    Conclusion    19
    4.1    Advice for Intercultural Communication in the Workplace    19
    4.2    Summary for The Study and Its Limitations    21
    Bibliography    23
    1    Introduction
    1.1    Background and Significance of the Study
    If one would like to know a country well, he must probe deeper into its culture first. Culture is a complex whole, consisting of knowledge, beliefs, arts, morality, laws, customs and other various abilities and habits which people can acquire as a social member. Moreover, people’s different values are obviously presented in all dimensions of national culture, so the study of people’s values is of great significance to both give an sight into their culture and communicate better with them. Work value is an important part of overall values, playing a unique role on specific social activities. On one hand, professions act not only as the main sources of income, but also a vital way of attaining social status and health care, making social participation and consumption, and living family life. Therefore, it is actually the main social activity and is feature of the most basis social economic position. On the other hand, The transition of social structure has a close relationship with the transformation of professional structure, and as a matter of fact the change of professional structure and value is a great sign of that of social structure. This article will explore Sino-American cultural differences from the perspective of work value. Through synthesizing and analyzing the relevant achievements of the study, the thesis emphasizes on looking systematically for differences of the professional values between China and America, with some cases analyzed for further illustration, and profoundly dissecting cultural elements behind vocational values, in turn it will be of great importance to improve and enhance people’s attention and perception to work values and their awareness to cross-cultural communication. From the theoretical level, the thesis can make some contributions to the present study of work values, especially more detailedly and creatively exploring cultural differences, boosting better understanding in the workplace between Chinese and American staff, and at the same time providing useful references for more people to make such researches.

    1.2    Methodology
    The article takes the logic, in a concrete way, as the theory basis that nature can be revealed trough the analysis of related phenomena. The phenomena of the thesis here refer to specific actions or behaviors that embody work values while the nature turns out to be the cultural differences behind vocational values. And then the variety of the misunderstandings and problems caused during intercultural communication in the workplace can be solved in essence. In the light of that, the research ideas will be developed. In the first place, the paper will search for the existing research achievements and deeply study them, finding the shortcomings of the previous studies and putting forward some new views of the thesis on the strength of communicative phenomena and culture in contemporary work situations. In the second place, the distinctions between Sino-American work values will be uncovered through comparisons and contrasts of the behaviors and actions of the two people when they work. In the end, based on the analysis of the theories and some data, the paper will dig into the new and old cultural persities between Chinese and American workplace, and shed light on the useful inspirations these distinctions can make to the cross-cultural communication.
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