
    Abstract Margaret Atwood is regarded as “the Queen of Canadian Literature”, she is a prestigious contemporary writer with international reputation. Her perse literary works usually reflect her distinctive meditation on human being’s survival condition and life value. And as a female writer, she has a strong consciousness of feminism. She tries her best to express her feminist consciousness to show her unique feminist perspective and keen observation. Alias Grace takes a historical event as the background, with exquisite language and excellent narrative technique, describing a female murder suspect’s experiences of adversity and survival, to show the survival pattern of women in the patriarchal society. This thesis will analyze the victimization of three female images in this novel and then explore heroine’s female policies learned from these three women and her finally survival through using these policies.

    This thesis consists of three parts. Chapter One will introduce the theme of survival. Chapter Two will discuss the victimization of three female images in the aspects of gender, class and cultural disadvantages. Chapter three will analyze the heroine’s experience of resisting victimization through her female policies.42274

    This thesis aims to prove that if one woman wants to survive in this patriarchal society, she must take a series of female policies to help herself fight against victimization.

    Key words: survival     victimization     female policies     distance from society     camouflage




    毕业论文关键词:生存     受害     女性策略     逃离社会     伪装



    摘要... ⅱ



    Chapter One The Theme of Survival... .5                  

    Chapter Two The Victimization of Females .7

        2.1 Victimization in Wars of Gender. .7

            2.1.1 Victimization of Grace’s Mother..7

            2.1.2 Victimization of Mary Whitney... 8

            2.1.3 Victimization of Nancy Montgomery.9

        2.2 Victimization in Class Conflict. .10

    2.3 Victimization in Cultural Disadvantages..12

    Chapter Three The Policies of Female Survival..14

    3.1 Psychological Distance from Society... 14

        3.1.1 Grace’s Identity as an Immigrant..14

        3.1.2 Grace’s Identity as a Servant...15

        3.1.3 Grace’s Identity as a Prisoner... .17

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