
    Abstract  The Vanity Fair is one of the masterworks of William Thackeray, a British writer, who is a representative figure in the field of realism. Since the novel was published, Becky has been criticized by many people that she is a selfish, hypocritical and peacockish woman. But compared with traditional women, she has the courage of adventure and rebellious spirit, pursuing equality between men and women and full of female consciousness so this image has been acknowledged as a symbol of the rise of the feminism in Victorian time, challenging the con-natural image of traditional women. So this paper gives the image of a completely different interpretation from the perspective of feminism. This research paper gives a brief introduction of the famous author Thackeray, his writing style and his world-famous masterwork Vanity Fair in the first step, and an illustration about the history of the feminism, especially when the this novel was composed. What’s more, this research paper will make a detailed analysis about the feminism showed from the leading character Sharp. In order to make the illustration more concrete and specific, it chooses three aspects that include her pursuit of self-value, social and economic status and love. Via the particular analysis from the three angles of views, the feminism “hidden” in the role of Becky Sharp will become clear and obvious.42284

    Key words: feminism     challenge     Becky Sharp      

    摘要 《名利场》是英国作家萨克雷的一部代表作,在现实主义领域成就非凡。自小说问世以来,夏普这一人物形象受到很多批判,人们认为这一人物生性自私、虚伪势利、金钱至上。但是与传统女性相比,夏普则是一个具有冒险和反叛精神、追求男女平等、充满女性意识的人,被认为是维多利亚时期女性主义觉醒的象征,挑战了传统女性角色形象。所以本论文将从女性主义角度赋予这一人物形象一个完全不同的解读。首先将对女权主义的历史做一个简单的阐述,特别是这部小说时代背景下的女权主义。其次详细分析了夏普身上表现出的女权主义,为了使叙述更具体详细,本论文从三个方面来论述,包括她对自我价值的追求,对社会和经济地位的追求以及对爱的渴望。通过这些方面的分析,使 “隐藏”在贝基夏普身上的女性主义变得清晰和明显。 

    毕业论文关键词:女性主义     挑战     蓓基夏普     


    Abstract ii

    摘 要 iii

    Contents iii

    Introduction 1

    Chapter One   Pursuit of the Self-value 3

    1.1 Self-value and Feminism 3

    1.2 A Strong-minded Woman with Inpidual Thoughts 4

    1.3 A Kind Woman with Generous Donation 5

    Chapter Two  Pursuit of Social and Economic Status 7

    2.1 Social and Economic Status and Feminism 7

    2.2 Effort to Upper Class 7

    2.3 Pursuit of Economic Status 9

    Chapter Three  Pursuit of Love 11

    3.1 Love in Victorian Times 11

    3.2 Becky’s Marriage 12

    Conclusion 14

    Works Cited 18 

    A Feminism Interpretation of Becky Sharp in Vanity Fair

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