
    Abstract A Rose for Emily is the first short story written by the American famous reasoning novelist named William Faulkner, and it is always considered one of landmark works in the literature history. It was highly praised by the literary critics and ordinary readers alike for its superb narratives and rich connotations. The extensive researches on this short story have been done by numerous scholars home and abroad from different aspects, but few of them have been undertaken based on the perspective of feminism. 

    The thesis, therefore, is intended to interpret the novel A Rose for Emily from the feminism in combination with author’s own understanding, hoping shed light on the understanding and appreciation of this short story. Specifically, it is intended to analyze the causes of Emily’s tragedy based on the perspective of feminism, showing readers the difficulties in women’s life, the hidden social dangers and the oppression against women because of patriarchy at that time. It seems that Emily’s tragedy is inevitable in a society of patriarchy. And the only way to avoid such tragedy is to acquire identity and gender recognition when women get independence and self-esteem in economy, life and spirit, and finally obtain the equal social status as men and steady social development.42288

    Key  Words: A Rose for Emily     Feminism     William Faulkner     patriarchy tragedy



    毕业论文关键词:《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》     女性主义     威廉·福克纳     男权制     悲剧





    Chapter One Introduction--1

      1.1 William Faulkner and A Rose for Emily -1

      1.2 Introduction of feminism-4

    Chapter Two From Domestic Patriarchy to Social Patriarchy--7

      2.1 Patriarchal control from Parents--7

      2.2 Unequal concept of love between men and women 9

      2.3 Misunderstanding from town residents--11

    Chapter Three Limitations of Emily's identity and character --13 

      3.1 Emily's Silence13        

      3.2 Emily's Rebellion14

      3.3 Emily's Failure16 

    Chapter Four Conclusion--19

    Works Cited21

    Analysis of Emily’s Tragedy in A Rose for Emily from Feminism

    Chapter One Introduction

    1.1 William Faulkner and A Rose for Emily

       1.1.1 William Faulkner

        William Cuthbert Faulkner, born in Albany, Mississippi on September 25, 1897, was a writer coming from America and won Nobel Prize from Oxford, Mississippi. Faulkner wrote many kinds of literary works, including novels, short stories(A Rose for Emily was one of the short novels), essays, a play, poetry, and screenplays. He is certainly famous because of his novels and short stories which are set in the fictional Yoknapatawpha County and are based on Lafayette County, Mississippi, where he enjoyed most of his life.

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