
    Abstract With the improvement of living standards, people's quality of life also will be more and more high-end. At the same time, they have a deeper quest for the skin care, the pursuit of the skin care products are increasingly showing a trend of high-end and international. Which means domestic products cannot satisfy the consumers any more, particularly female consumers’ desire for consumption. They start to turn to the international market for more choices, Japan becoming another choice after the United States and Europe. What can be seen from the development of domestic cosmetics industry is that the global skin care products are steadily developing. Shiseido, established in 1872 in Japan, attracted a great deal of domestic and foreign consumers with its high-quality and high service, especially the Chinese consumers. After a century baptism, collision and fusion of Eastern and Western cultures, it can maintain its unique position in the increasingly fierce cosmetics industry. Currently, Shiseido cosmetics counters almost cover the whole of China's high-end shopping malls, what is more shocking  is that more and more people are willing to go abroad to buy Shiseido brand products.42289

    This research paper aims to study the consumption motivation of Shiseido brand products, which brings inspiration to explore the development of China's cosmetic industry and new directions.

    Key Words:  Cosmetic     Shiseido     Consumption Motivation 

    摘 要随着生活水平的提高,人民的生活品质也随之越来越高端,同时对护肤也有了更深层次的追求,消费者对护肤品的追求也越来越呈现出高端化,国际化的趋势。国内的产品远远不能满足消费者,尤其是女性消费者的消费欲望。她们开始转战国际市场,日本成为继欧美国家后的又一选择。从国内外化妆品行业的发展可以看出,全球护肤品正在稳步发展。



    毕业论文关键词:化妆品     资生堂     消费动机 



    摘要.. .. .. ⅱ


    Chapter One Introduction 1

    1.1 Background and Significance 1

    1.2 Theory and Methodology 2

    1.3 Content and Structure 4

    Chapter Two Literature Review 7

    2.1 Definition of Consumption Motivation 7

    2.2 Theories of Motivation 8

    2.3 Marketing strategy Based on Motives 10

    Chapter Three Methodology 13

    3.1 The Subjects of the Research 13

    3.2 Procedures 14

    Chapter Four Results and Discussion 18

    4.1 The Research Result 18

    4.2 The Discussion of the Result 19

    Chapter Five Conclusion and Research Implications

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