

    关键词: 全球化 国际贸易 沙特阿拉伯

    毕业论文外文 摘 要

    Title  Analysis of Problems and Solutions in Trade between China and Saudi Arabia


    Nowadays, with the rapid deepening of globalization and the development of the reform and opening up policy, international communication are becoming more frequent. International trade, as a product of international communication, is inevitably promote, and it is the same with the trade between China and the Arab regions. Seen from the long-term cooperation between the two places, some rules can be found from the trade between China and the Arab region. But it also reflects some of the problems and contradictions in the trade. For the presence of the above situation, this paper gives a brief introduction of the research situation and background, as well as the research significance of the present study. And then, it analyzes the previous studies on the trade between China and the Arab region, as well as the existing problems in the national trade between China and Saudi Arab. Later, it discusses the international trade theory. Finally, it puts forward some effective measures and suggestions to facilitate the international trade cooperation. The present study aims to better address the problems in trade so as to play a role in the guidelines for the trade between the two regions, and to better promote the international trade between the two States conducted harmoniously and healthily. The author hopes that this paper will be of great significance and reference value for further researches on the development and problems of trade between China and Arab countries.

    Key Words: Globalization   international trade     Saudi Arabia 

    目   次



    1.Introduction 1

    1.1  Background 1

    1.2  The problems 2

    1.3  Literature Review 4

    1.4  Ideas 6

    2.Related theory 7

    2.1  International Trade 7

    2.2  International Trade Theory 8

    3. Solutions 9

    3.1  New political dimension to enhance contact 9

    3.2  Deepening the cooperation in petroleum industry 10

    3.3  Respecting the customs and religious beliefs in the Arab region 11

    3.4  Increasing output technology-intensive products 12

    3.5  Maximizing China - Arab countries

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