
    II. George Orwell and His Works

     George Orwell was born in India controlled by the United Kingdom in 1903. His farther served on the office of governor of India Bureau of opium. His family was not rich. When he was a young man, he studied in Burma. In the 1930s, he attended the Spanish Civil War and was injured in the war. During the Second World War, he was working on struggling against fascism in BBC at that time. In 1950, he died because of hectic. And he lived a total of 47 years. 

    George Orwell has a short life,but he has many good works,a particularly Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four. He was called a solemn conscience of a generation. And people produced some new words “Orwellian”, “orwellism” with his name. We can find that he has a big influence on many people. George Orwell is a writer who writes with the honest political belief. In his books Why I Write, he said :“and looking back through my work,I see that it is invariably where I lacked a political purpose that I wrote lifeless books and was betrayed into purple passages, sentences without meaning,decorative adjective and humbug generally”. His article is combined with the real life and his experience, not just the political.George Orwell said “Good work is like a window glass”. A Critic has even said that if there is one more person reading George Orwell book, our freedom will be more security. He has written a lot of book about politics, and cared about the poor livelihood during his lifetime. 

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