
    Abstract With the fast development of globalization, the multi-cultural coexistence is increasingly significant. And the multi-cultural communication in the film which serves as a basic carrier is increasing. As a result, more and more foreign films and television works enter into Chinese market, especially English films have won the favor of domestic audience and obtained a good box office. As an indispensable part of the film, subtitle translation is a bridge to connect audience and film and plays an important role. Film subtitle translation has attracted more and more attention. However domestic subtitle translation theoretical study isn’t systematic and has no relatively mature theory. So it’s significant to study how to use translation strategies to translate foreign film successfully.43532

    Taking kungfu panda2 as a case study, this thesis will briefly introduce the features of subtitle translation and the functional equivalence theory and have a research and analysis to some classic subtitle from the aspect of language style. It discusses about how to make an effective use of domestication to transfer the original language to translated language better and the important role of functional equivalence theory. Functional equivalence takes the receptors’ response as the center and focuses on that receptors’ reaction is equivalent to original readers and translation is using the closest natural equivalence to reproduce the original information. Domestication is to adopt a transparent, fluent style for minimizing the receptors’ strangeness of the foreign text. Domestication is a translation strategy which is commonly used in foreign film to make it easier for domestic audience to understand. So functional equivalence theory and domestication play an important role in subtitle translation. In view of the current research condition, this thesis will discuss the directive function of functional equivalence theory and the important role of domestication. The theory makes the subtitles favored by domestic audience and contributes to the high box office.

    Key words: film subtitle translation     functional equivalence theory    domestication      Chinese characteristics     kungfu panda2

    摘要 随着全球化的迅速发展,多元文化共存的现象日益显著,而以影视作品为基本载体的多元文化之间的交流也开始增多。越来越多的国外影片开始涌入中国市场,英语电影尤其受到国内观众喜爱并取得不错的票房成绩。而字幕翻译作为影片不可或缺的一部分,是连接观众和影片的桥梁,作用不容小觑。电影字幕翻译作为翻译领域的一种新研究视角也开始出现,并越来越受到重视。 但是国内字幕翻译理论研究不够系统化,没有相对成熟的理论,因此如何运用翻译策略*优尔^文,论.文|网www.youerw.com,成功翻译影片也具有重大意义。


    毕业论文关键词: 电影字幕翻译     功能对等理论     归化策略     中国特色 《功夫熊猫2》

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