
    Abstract Daniel Defoe is a British writer, who was born in 1660. He is famous for the novel Robinson Crusoe. He is called "father of European fiction". The spirit of the bourgeoisie in the rising period was reflected in his work. Robinson Crusoe is one of the representative works of realism, which tells a story that a person suffered shipwreck and lived on a deserted island alone. The novel is interesting and full of meanings and it was deeply loved by people all over the world. Robinson Crusoe is a novel, which has been adapted to movies and TV shows for many times. Step by step people think that Robinson's actions reflect heroism——full of working enthusiasm,brave and optimistic. In fact Robinson also has his own shortcomings, such as caring little about family, vanity, racial discrimination, selling the slaves, etc. This paper will discuss Robinson’s dualism of his characters. We can let others learn, draw lessons from forefathers, repeat it no longer and abandon his faults--his fever pitch to money and colonial aggression. And we can also look at the historical figures more objectively.43815

    Key words:  the character image     dualism     limitations

    摘要丹尼尔·笛福是一名英国作家,出生于1660年。因为小说《鲁滨逊漂流记》而著名。他被成为“欧洲小说之父”。当时资产阶级在上升时期的精神面貌在他的作品中被反映。《鲁滨逊漂流记》是现实主义的代表作品之一,它讲述了一个关于一个人遭遇船难独自生活在荒岛上的故事。小说精彩有趣而且充满寓意,深受世界人民的喜爱。《鲁滨逊漂流记》是一部长篇小说,被多次改为电影和电视剧。一直以来人们视鲁滨逊的所作所为体现了一个硬汉子的坚毅性格与英雄本色:充满劳动热情、坚毅勇敢、乐观。其实鲁滨逊也有他自身的局限性和缺点,比如不关心家庭、虚荣心、种族歧视、贩卖奴隶等。这篇论文探讨的就是关于鲁滨逊人物的双重性The Dualism of Characters of Robinson。让后人能够从中进行学习,吸取前人教训,不再重蹈覆辙摒弃他的缺点——极度狂热的金钱观和殖民性地侵略。这样我们也可以更加客观地看待这个历史人物。

    毕业论文关键字: 人物形象,    双重性,    局限性


    Abstract i

    摘要 ii


    Chapter One  Positive Factors of His Characters

    1.1 Positive Emerging Bourgeoisie

    1.2 Time Treasure

    1.3 Enterprising Spirit and the Courage to Pursue Dreams

    1.4 Labor Wisdom and Passion

    1.5 Determination and Persistence

    Chapter Two  Negatives Factors of his Characters

    2.1 The Greedy Mammonist

    2.2 Cruel Colonists

    2.3 A Single Indifferent Egoism

    2.4 Damage to the Natural Ecology 11

    2.5 Alienation with Family 12

    Chapter Three  Conclusion 14

    Work Cited 16

    The Dualism of Characters of Robinson 


    With the British Empire becoming stronger, Britain's overseas expansion and overseas colonial ambitions were growing day by day. Britain was made one of the world's leading capitalist powers at that time with the continuous development of Britain's industrial revolution. colonial expansion and accumulation of wealth in Britain couldn’t be stopped. The whole country faced the situation of mercantilism. And economic inpidualism couldn’t be avoided at that time. Defoe's Robinson is a bourgeois incarnate image who were unceasingly enterprising under such a background. His only pursuit is money. This paper discusses not only advantages of his characters, but also disadvantages of his characters. 

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