
    However, research has indicated that this traditional grammar-translation method “failed to develop an adequate level of communicative competence (i.e. the ability to use the target language for authentic communication)” (Hu, 2002). In China, teaching is a typical teacher-oriented mode. Some Chinese students often complain that they have learned English for 20 years but cannot communicate in English. Some primary school English teachers even find it difficult to communicate fluently in English .These challenges have called for quick intervention. Game-based teaching seem to be one answer to solve the present predicaments faced by the pupils in learning EFL in China. They seem to intrinsically and extrinsically motivate the pupils and help to keep the attention of them. Games are often used for motivational or fun purposes. Games have often been included in language teaching to stimulate motivation and authenticity in communicative practices. The sudden transition of games from traditional classroom to game based classroom has attracted a great deal of interest from educators, researchers and teachers.

    1.2 Research Questions

    With regard to the internship in Hangzhou Cai He No.2 primary school, the author find game-based teaching methods have been widely used. However, many problems also occur, for example, the language target is ignored; games are not well-structured; not all students can take part in the games in classes etc. one of the biggest problem is that lots of games cannot produce the expected results. Therefore, finding out these problems and factors influencing them are of great necessity. 

    Around these problems, under the guidance of the concept of the new curriculum standard, based on the theory of the game, the writer explores the game activities in Hangzhou Cai He No.2 primary school English teaching in practical application. The study analyzes the current situation and attempts to figure out the factors influencing the games using in primary English teaching. Through the research and analysis, the writer tries to construct a set of effective strategies and improve the combination of game and English teaching in Hangzhou Cai He No.2 primary school. 

    The main aim of this study is to examine how game-based teaching method would motivate, engage and arouse the interest of Chinese primary school students who are struggling to master EFL. The continued complaint of lack of motivation, boredom, and lack of good English learning environment has called for concern on how to integrate educational games in teaching and learning EFL to attract the attention and interest of Chinese young learners of English language. 

    The central research questions that this study aimed to answer are: 

    1)How did game based teaching motivate students’ learning?

    2) What factors affected the Chinese primary school student’s motivation and engagement when game was used in their classroom? 

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