


    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 Research purpose and research significance 1

    2. Literature review 3

    2.1 Pronunciation awareness 3

    2.1.1 The concept of phonological awareness 3

    2.2.2 Studies on phonological awareness 3

    2.2 English Picture books and English learning 3

    2.2.1 The definition of English picture book 3

    2.2.2 Studies on English picture book reading and English learning 4

    2.3 Rhymes and pronunciation 4

    2.3.1 The definition of rhyme 4

    2.3.2 The development of rhyme 5

    2.3.3 Characteristics and functions of rhymes 6

    2.3.4 Rhymes and pronunciation 7

    3. Research Method 10

    3.1 Research purpose and Research Questions 10

    3.2 Participants 10

    3.3 Materials 10

    3.4 Research Tools 13

    3.5 Research Procedure 14

    3.5.1 Direct observation 15

    3.5.2 Research purpose 15

    3.5.3 Research subject 15

    3.5.4 Research procedure 15

    4. Results and discussion 17

    4.1 Results and discussion of research question 1 17

    4.1.1 The pre-test 17

    4.1.2 The comparison of pre-test and post-test 17

    4.2 Results and discussion of research question 2 20

    4.2.1 The attitudes of students to picture book rhyme reading 20

    4.2.2 The difficulties and suggestions 20

    4.3 Suggestions on solving the problems 21

    5. Conclusion and Limitation 22

    5.1 Major Findings 22

    5.2 Limitations 22 

    1. Introduction 

    1.1 Research purpose and research significance

    Pronunciation emerged as a field of systematic study towards the end of the 19th century when International Phonetic Association was established in 1886. Since then, the emphasis allotted to pronunciation teaching in ESL/EFL classrooms has been subject to fluctuations. While traditional methods such as Grammar-Translation and Reading-Based Approach neglected pronunciation teaching completely and considered it irrelevant to language teaching, in subsequent methods such as Oral Approach and Audiolingualism, it had a more central role. Likewise, from 1940’s to 1960’s, pronunciation teaching was of primary importance in the English Language Teaching Curriculum (Atli et al, 2012). It can be found in the amount of research that pronunciation is neglected in the majority of language classrooms. Out of different reasons, English teaching practitioners avoid dealing with pronunciation skills. One possible reason is the lack of the learning material.

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