
    Acknowledgements I would like to express my appreciation to a number of people for their invaluable assistance in preparation and development of this thesis.

    My most sincere thanks my tutor Professor Shen and my Linguistics teacher Professor Wu, as well as my Second Language Acquisition teacher Professor Zhan for their instruction on building up my knowledge of basic linguistics and encouragement of exploring the unknown. 44250

    A Comparative Study of Phraseology in Formal English and Informal English, ---- A Case Study on Downton Abbey

    Abstract The paper is a comparative study on phraseology between formal English and informal English. This research is designed to compare the characteristics of phraseology with different formality in specialization of grammatical, lexicological, sentence structural, metaphorical differences and summarize what factors causing the effects of formality degrees. It begins with an introduction part in which the reason why the author intends to compare formal English and informal English, and takes Downton Abbey as a case to study is presented. In the second part the author explains the background of the teleplay, features of main characters with a focus on their wording style and social status. Then in the following part the author gives some definitions of formality and informality from the previous linguistic scholars, citing some examples from the lines of Downton Abbey and compare the use of formal language and informal language in four aspects. In the fourth part the author demonstrates the assumption with a combination of theories from previous linguistic scholars. In the fifth part, the author draws a conclusion to the effects of formality in phraseology. 

    毕业论文Key words: formal; informal; style; level; Downton Abbey; phraseology


    摘  要本文是关于在正式英语和非正式英语中的用语对比性研究。本研究是为了探讨在语法,词汇,句型结构,以及隐喻四个方面不同程度的正式用语和非正式用语的特性,并且总结造成这种正式度差异的因素。在第一块是介绍,这一块会呈现为什么作者要对比正式用语和非正式用语的原因,`优尔|文\论*文-网www.youerw.com以及为什么选择《唐顿庄园》来作为研究对象。在第二部分,作者阐述了《唐顿庄园》的背景,以及主要研究人物的大直信息,并会着重描写他们的用语特点和社会地位。在接下来的部分作者会总结语言学家对于正式英语和非正式用语的定义,并引用《唐顿庄园》的台词作为例子来比较正式用语和非正式用语在以上提到的四个方面。在第四部分作者会证实之前提出的假设,并结合语言学家们的理论来阐述证明。在第五部分,作者会归纳正式用语在交流中的影响。最后一部分为作者对本文的总结。



    1. Introduction...1

    1.1 Research background ....1

    1.2 Research significance.....1

    1.3 Research questions.2

    2. Literature review ......2

    2.1 An introduction to Downton Abbey  ...2

    2.1.1 Background......2

    2.1.2 Main characters2

    2.2 A comparative study of phraseology in formal English and informal English .....4

    2.3 The previous study abroad.5

    2.4 The previous study in China..6


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