    Abstract The original translation text, "Simplicity" is a prose written by Taiwan famous writer San Mao, collected in San Mao's prose collection "Allure", which is first published in 1985 March by the Taipei Crown Publishing House. In this essay, San Mao tells her view of the simplicity and the complexity in life, with a very literary aesthetic text discussing her heart for the comprehension of simple life, showing her "seek not profound, but simple" attitude to life. Language in this essay is easy to understand, narrated step by step, full of San Mao literary style of beauty. The profound sense of reading between the lines, enables the reader to reflect and see her own shadow. The thesis of "Simplicity" full-text translation, aims to deliver San Mao simplicity under the pen, find and explore the difficulties in translation and translation skills in such style of writing through this translation of meaning-rich article of modern argumentative prose.
    To reflect the literary beauty and profound features in "Simplicity", the translator uses several translation methods and strategies, including amplification and omission, paraphrase, reference, semantic evolution, conversion, sentence structure adjustment and so on. Translator aims at making translated sentences in text closed to the target language’s expression through flexible transformation in a variety of different translation methods and strategies, showing the profound meaning of "Simplicity" better.
    Key Words: Simplicity; San Mao; The beauty of literature; Chinese Modern Proses
    目   录
    摘  要    i
    Abstract    1
    1.翻译选材来源及其作者介绍    2
    1.1翻译选材的来源    2
    1.2 作者介绍    2
    2.翻译选材的特点分析    2
    3.翻译正文    3
    4.1 减译与增译法    7
    4.2 引用法    8
    4.3 意译法    9
    4.4 词性转译法    10
    4.5 语义嬗变法    10
    4.6句式结构调整法    11
    5. 翻译体会与总结    12
    参考文献    12
    致    谢    14
    附    录: 翻译原文    15
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