
    This paper aims to prove the recognizability of stylistic features and to demonstrate the translatability of the stylistic features between the source text and the target text. After that, three main methods to reproduce syntactic styles, namely corresponding, recasting, decolouring or generalizing, are to be illustrated with some typical examples from selected essays. Through combining theory with examples, this paper hopes to explain how Zhang reproduces the syntactic styles of these essays in his translation and how stylistics can guide translators’ work or assess the translation quality from a tangible perspective.
    2    Literature Review
    2.1    Stylistics and Translation Studies
    Stylistics, as a branch of applied linguistics, focuses on studying of style in texts, primarily in literary works. Stylistics can be pided into a variety of overlapping sub-disciplines. They are respectively literary stylistics, interpretive stylistics, evaluation stylistics, corpus stylistics, discourse stylistics, feminist stylistics and so on. In A Dictionary of Stylistics, Katie Wales states that the goal of most stylistics is not simply to describe the formal features of texts for their own sake, but in order to show their functional significance for the interpretation of the text; or in order to relate literary effects to linguistics “causes” where these are felt to be relevant (2001).
    Domestic scholars Ding and Wang research on stylistics and point out that the task of stylistics does not lie in enumerating the names of different styles but in describing and observing the linguistic features of the text, including respective phonetic sound, syntactic style, vocabulary and discourse features (1987). In addition, stylistics is not based on researching language singly, but can provide more systematic points to access and translate literary works from a scientific and objective angle.
    With the above-mentioned benefits of stylistics, it is desirable to evaluate the quality of translation works or do translations practice from stylistic approach. Many scholars even point out that appropriate application of stylistics to translation practice is indispensable to a brilliant translation works. One of them is Tytler, who puts forth that a brilliant translation works has to reproduce the source text’s stylistic features in the target text and the target text should be expressed as smooth as the source text (1907). Nida and Taber believe that the essence of translating is to create the most affiliated and natural corresponding expressions from the source and target text and what the foremost is meaning and then stylistics (1969).
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