
    A Study of Flipped Classroom Model and Its Application in EFL Teaching Abstract With the emerging of new ideas and technology, along with the deep integration of information technology and the curriculum, the “Flipped Classroom Model” is put forward to answer the call for technology enhanced and student-centered learning environments. It inverts the typical cycle of content acquisition and application, so as to redistribute the class-time compared to traditional classroom. Applying the idea of flipped classroom to EFL teaching in China is proposed in this paper, in which the students will acquire new knowledge through the teaching courseware by themselves before class in order to save lecture time and increase interaction with target language and engagement in activities in class, so that the problem of lacking enough English-using opportunities and inpidual guidance for students can be solved. The documentary research method will be applied in this thesis study. Relative literature materials and documents both from the internet and libraries will be analyzed and summarized. The challenges and advantages and prospects of EFL teaching under Flipped Classroom Model are to be analyzed, too. Thus based on the several general designing models and principles of Flipped Classroom Model, the teaching models of EFL teaching class of various types can be drawn as a conclusion.

    The study concludes nine principles for designing flipped classroom, respectively providing an opportunity and incentive for students to prepare for class, establishing a system to assess students’ understanding, offering clear connections between in-class and out-of-class activities, instructing clearly defined guidance, giving enough time for students to carry out assignments, facilitating to build a learning community, and providing prompt feedback and technologies familiar and easy to access. In addition, the study also make a contrast between traditional writing class and new writing class under Flipped Classroom Model. And three grammar teaching methods are introduced in order to combine them with Flipped Classroom Model. The study thus gives teaching designs of writing class and grammar-teaching class under Flipped Classroom Model. The teaching design can be pided into two stages: before class and in class. Relevant steps, distributed time, procedures and intention are given in the study, thus providing a instruction for teachers to implement.47181

    Keywords: Flipped Classroom Model; EFL teaching; application analysis; teaching designs 


    摘  要伴随着新理念和新技术的不断涌现,信息技术与课程的整合日渐深入,与之相适应的加强科技助力教学、强调以学生为中心教学环境的呼声也日渐高涨,翻转课堂由此显现以响应号召。翻转课堂转变了传统知识获取与应用的顺序,并重新分配传统课堂的时间。本文主要介绍此模式在英语教学当中的应用,在英语翻转课堂中,课前学生通过教学微视频学习知识,由此节省课堂时间并增加学生与目标语言即英语的课堂交互和参与课堂活动的机会,最终解决传统课堂中缺乏英语实际运用机会、缺乏个别指导的问题。本文主要采用文献研究方法,首先分析和总结来自网络以及图书室的相关文献资料,接着讨论国内英语翻转课堂的挑战、优势以及前景。基于此,本文将分析总结得出设计英语翻转课堂的九条建议,以及几种典型英语翻转课堂的教学模式设计。


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