
    Love is not only a most fundamental requirement in any genuinely desirable human relationship, it is also a most transcendental condition desired in the very institution of marriage(Issac Ehaleoye Ukpokolo, 2012).The ultimate aim of love is for offspring and form a family, Then the concept of marriage have been formed.

    2.2 The Definition of Marriage

    There is a saying that marriage is not one plus one is two, but 0.5 plus 0.5 equal to 1. Exactly, there is no perfect person in this world, so marriage is two imperfect person get together and provide each other better life, what is more, you can be yourself. Assume that marriage is a empty case at the very beginning, if you want to know how much you can get from it, you need to give and pay first. Marrying a person means establish a lovely family, so it is the combination of love and family love. Marriage, also called matrimony or wedlock, is a socially or ritually recognized union or legal contract between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between them, between them and their children, and between them and their in-laws. Marriage is about responsibility, support, love and trust. Responsible for family; support each other idea and understand each other feelings; trust each other on no matter what kind of situation, What is more, it is two people make joint effort to create harmonious family.

    2.3 The Importance of Marriage

    2.3.1 Typical Behaviors of Married People  

    First, Married person life style is better that unmarried person.it encourage people eat healthy food and take care of their health problems. Then it is also help to deal with the dilemma, then couples can support each other. Because married person realize that life force them to responsible for things, therefore they can not take risk. Second, marriage reduce death rate, which it can reduce unhealthy and dangerous behavior. Then bring wealth to a family, so that contribute to healthier provisions and secure surrounding for residence. Third, healthy marriage enables children grow healthily.it shows that parents family’s children are healthier than parent family. Because parent family have less income than parents family, hence it is difficult to afford children to go to school. On the other hand, parent family do not have much time to accompany with their children, so children have problems with social intercourse, then become less talkative than before, so than it is jeopardize to children mental health. Fourth, married person could gain more money. The reason is the married person spend less money than unmarried person, because family need two person to carry on, also need couples support each other, so that it can improve the quality of marriage life(Sun Jiancheng, 2000). Anyway, marriage have many merits that can keep ones healthy, improve couples income and bring happiness to family.

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