
    Auden’s Reflection on the Historical Difficulty of Human Beings in Spain——From the Perspective of Rhetorics Abstract  Spain, as one of W. H. Auden’s famous works, describes the history that led up to the Spanish Civil War. Auden, like so many young men of the Left in the 1930s, decided to volunteer for service in the Spain Civil War. Though Auden didn’t come to the fore himself, he wrote this splendid poem to show his reflection on the war. Auden stressed in the poem that what has been done is tomorrow’s history, human beings should shoulder the responsibility at the presence of war and act today because history has no way to change. This thesis analyzes the historical difficulty of human being in the poem. What is more, this thesis further explores Auden’s reflection on this historical difficulty of human being. Finally, this paper is intended to strengthen the understanding of Spain by making a analysis of it and shows the readers a much more well-organized and attracting poem and a different author.47587

    Keywords: Auden; Spain; reflection; historical difficulty; rhetorics

    奥登在《西班牙》中对人类历史困境的思索—— 从修辞手法角度分析




    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 About the author and his relevant life experiences on his Spain writing. 1

    1.2 About Spain 1

    2. The historical difficulty of human beings in Spain 6

    2.1 Hope on history 6

    2.2 Fantasies of future 6

    2.3 Turning away from the reality 6

    3. Auden’s reflection from the perspective of rhetorics 7

    3.1 From the perspective of images 7

    3.2 From the perspective of irony 8

    3.3 From the perspective of metaphor. 8

    4. Conclusions 10

    References 11

    1. Introduction

    Spain is one of the most enduring and popular poem by W. H. Auden. It is popular not only because the poem itself is thought-provoking, but also because of Auden’s unsurpassed technical virtuosity and an ability to write poems in nearly every imaginable verse form. The poems shows Auden’s reflection vigorously by its technical achievement. There were already many researches about Spain. Like George Orwell, who was there at the same time, he experienced an inevitable disappointment with the Republican government and came away from his experience viewing the Spanish conflict now as primarily a fight against fascism rather than a fight for revolution(Jenkins, 88). For Samuel Hynes, it is an “extraordinary war-poem” with a peculiar approach: “diagnostic, abstract, detached, lacking all the particularities and feelings that defined the genre in the First World War . . . It is a pitiless poem: the poetry is in the pitilessness.” Hynes sees Spain as ultimately psychological in tenor, not political, an observation that echoes leftist reactions to the poem at the time it was published(Samuel, 254). Compared to the continuing flourishing researches on Auden’s works in the United States and the United Kingdom, researches in China are still not that plentiful. Zha Liangzheng(1918-1977), also called Mudan, a great translator and poet, was heavily affected by Auden and his poems. He translated 55 poems of Auden, including Spain. He noted “ Fair and unfair struggles messed in the Spanish Civil War and all are up to today’s struggle. The deterioration of society or the progress of society is made by human beings themselves”. This paper is intended as a contribution to further understanding Auden’s famous work, Spain, in which we can clearly and fully enjoy the poet’s poetic charm and know his opinion about the historical difficulty of human beings in this poem.

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