
    Abstract Vocabulary teaching strategy has been a hot issue for a long time in the study of second language (L2) teaching. This study is based on the observation and analysis of the video clips of the 7th National Primary School English Teaching Competition, 2014. Before the study, documentary method will be taken to get an overall understanding of the vocabulary teaching strategy including its development both in theory and practice. Then videos of 29 teachers who took part in that national teaching competition will be carefully observed and analyzed. During the observation, many details of the classes will be written down such as the teacher’s choice of teaching instruction, the teacher's gestures and etc. Analyses will focus primarily on the aspects like 1) How did the teacher handle these new words? / What teaching strategies are adopted by the teacher? 2) How did these teachers actually apply these strategies in class teaching? 3) What's the detailed distribution of the usage of these strategies?47579

    Keyword: Vocabulary teaching strategy; English language learning; students’ performance; teachers’ instruction 


    摘  要词汇教学策略长时间在二语教学领域作为一个热门话题。此次的研究是基于对于2014年第七届全国小学英语教学比赛视频的研究与分析之上的。在一开始,会先采取文献法去获得有关于词汇教学策略的一个整体、宽泛的认识,这其中包括词汇教学策略在理论与实践上的发展。而用于观测的视频共涉及29名教师,所有的这些视频都将得到仔细的观察与分析。在观看的同时,许多现场的教学细节都将得到详细记录,例如教师的课堂教学指导用语的选择、教师的肢体语言等等。文章的分析部分则将会侧重以下几个方面:1)教师是如何处理生词的?或者说教师在处理生词期间中采取了哪些策略?2)教师在课堂实践中是如何实施这些策略的?3)这些策略的使用分布情况是怎样的?



    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 Background and Objective of the Study 1

    2. Literature Review 3

    2.1 Teaching Strategy 3

    2.1.1 Definition of Teaching Strategy 3

    2.1.2 Classification of Teaching Strategy 3

    2.2 Vocabulary Teaching Strategy 4

    2.2.1 Definition of Vocabulary Teaching Strategy 4

    2.2.2 Classification of Vocabulary Teaching Strategy 4

    2.3 Previous Studies on Vocabulary Teaching Strategy 4

    2.3.1 Previous Studies Abroad 4

    2.3.2 Previous Studies in China 5

    2.4 Present Problems of Vocabulary Teaching in Primary School 6

    2.5 Summary 6

    3. Research Design 7

    3.1 Videos of English Teaching Competition 7

    3.1.1 Introduction of the English Teaching Competition 7

    3.1.2 Participant 7

    3.1.3 Types of lesson 8

    3.1.4 Teaching Material 8

    3.2 Procedure 8

    4. Results and Discussion 10

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