
    On Effective Questioning Strategies in EFL Classes of Junior Middle School Abstract Questioning, as a necessary element of teacher-student interaction in class, serves as a fundamental teaching tool and lies at the very heart of developing critical thinking abilities of students. In classroom, questioning is always of great importance in the process of teaching and learning. This thesis researches the differences of questioning styles between an experienced teacher and a pre-service teacher by video observation to find out the current problems of questioning skills existing in pre-service teachers so as to put forward some suggestions on effective questioning strategies in EFL classes of junior middle school by drawing the merits of the experienced teachers. The research shows that the pre-service teacher still needs to take efforts in asking higher-level questions and referential questions, providing wait-time and giving appropriate feedback. 47692

      Keyword: effective questioning strategies; EFL classes in junior middle school; pre-service teacher;experienced teacher



    毕业论文关键词:有效提问策略; 初中英语课堂;新手教师; 资深教师


    1. Introduction 1

     1.1 Background and significance 1

     1.2 Research questions 2

     1.3 Organization of the Thesis 3

    2. Literature Review 4

     2.1 Related study abroad 4

     2.2. Related study at home 5

    3. Theoretical Research 7

     3.1 Related Theories 7

     3.2 Basic concepts of question and questioning 8

     3.3 Effective classroom questioning 12

    4. Methodology 14

     4.1 Research subjects 14

     4.2 Research Question 14

     4.3 Instrument 14

     4.4 Research Process 14

    5. Results and Analysis 16

     5.1 Differences of Questioning Style between the pre-service teacher and the experienced teacher 16

     5.2 Problems of Questioning Skills Existing in Pre-service Teachers 18

    6. Discussion 20

    7. Conclusion 22

    Bibliography 24

    On Effective Questioning Strategies in EFL Classes of Junior Middle School

    1. Introduction

    1.1 Background and significance 

        Currently, EFL teaching pays increasingly attention on developing students’ communicative competence, which makes it extremely important to research teacher’s questioning in class since questioning plays a central role in promoting communicative ability of using English language in the real life.  

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