    摘 要随着世界经济全球化的进程和社会分工的日益完善,很多行业对英语人才的要求越来越高,不仅要求他们具备扎实的专业知识和英语笔头功底,还对其英语口语能力提出了新的要求。而作为英语专业的学生,英语基础相对薄弱,言语能力、思文能力及交际能力都相对较差,如何提高他们的英语口语能力,使之适应社会发展的需要成了当前教师亟待解决的问题。
    With the development of the economic globalization and social specialization, more and more industries raise higher requirements for the English majors. They think that English major graduates should have well-knit fundamental knowledge as well as good written and spoken English. As English majors, some of them are poor in the fundamental English. At the same time, their capabilities of thinking, speaking and intercommunication are relatively lower. Then how to improve their capabilities of oral English becomes an obvious problem for the leaders and teachers in the colleges.
    This paper summarizes and analyzes the main problems existed in the process of improving oral English by doing interviews, consulting literatures and other forms. It also proposes strategies to enhance the ability of spoken English for English majors.

    Key words: oral English capabilities;non linguistic factors;improving strategies
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The Present Situation of English Majors' Oral English2
    2.1 Poor Ability in Expressing    3
    2.2 Not Strong Communicative Ability    4
    2.3 Insufficient Attention to Oral English    4
    III. Factors in Oral English Learning and Teaching    5
    3.1 Emotional Factors    6
    3.2 Learning Motivation    7
    3.3 Learning Strategies    7
    3.4 Language Environment    8
        3.5 Personal Character.9
    IV. Countermeasures against the Non Linguistic Factors    10
    4.1 The Creation of Linguistic Environment    .10
    4.2 Mutual Communicating Classes11
    4.3 To Develop Extracurricular Activities    12
    4.4 Enhancing Students' Enthusiasm by Cultural Input     .12
    4.5 The Application of Cooperative Principle in Spoken English Teaching.13
    V. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgements    17

    Study of Non-Linguistic Factors in Oral English Teaching for English Majors

    I. Introduction

     Language is the tool of communication. However, generally speaking, the communicative ability in language study is comparatively neglected in Chinese colleges. For some people, language may not even be a worthy subject for academic study. They only take it as a tool for access to some other fields rather than study it as a subject in and of itself. On the contrary, for English majors, language is a mean of communication. Some may not realize that the final goal of learning English is communication .Under the present examination systems, language knowledge is mainly tested rather than the communicative competence.This leads to a great dissatisfaction due to the obvious deficiency of communicative ability. Though teachers and students work hard and try to make obvious progress in oral English, it just can be found that it is very problematic for many English majors to make progress in this area. It is surveyed that there are many reasons for English majors that lead to poor spoken English, such as poor listening foundation, bad study habits, unsatisfactory cross-cultural understanding and insufficient training. Basic language knowledge involves phonetics, vocabulary and grammar, etc.,but these are the most essential elements of language. If scholars can not master basic knowledge well, they will have a direct bearing on the quality of their listening comprehension.
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