    关键词:任务型语言教学法; 英语教学; 应用
    Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) has become a heated topic in second language acquisition and English Foreign Language (EFT) teaching in the past twenty years. It transforms the basic ideas of language use into classroom teaching method and brings in great significance in practice. TBLT leads students to learn English by fulfilling a real task in order to improve their ability of using English. This paper mainly takes Xiwang Middle School as an example, discusses the practice of Task-based Language Teaching, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of task-based language teaching on the basis of reviewing its development.

    Key words: task-based language teaching; English teaching; practice
    摘 要...........i
    I. Introduction .1
    II. The Significance of Task-based Language Teaching........1
    III. The Teaching Practice of TBLT.....6
    3.1 The “task” in TBLT .................6
    3.2 Features of Task...............7
    3.3 Task Design Principles ...........7
    3.4 The Components of TBLT (Suggested by Nunan (1989)) ......9
    IV. Application of TBLT in the Middle Schools in Zhoukou.....10
    4.1 TBLT in Private Middle Schools in Zhoukou .......10
    4.2 Classroom Analysis of Xiwang Middle School.10
    V. The Advantages and Limitations of TBLT.....14
    5.1 The Advantages of Task-based Language Teaching..14
    5.2 The Limitations of Task-based Language Teaching......14
    VI. Conclusion.......15
    Bibliography ..16
    The Application of Task-based Language Teaching in Middle School English Class

    I. Introduction

    Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) has become a heated topic in second language acquisition and EFL teaching in the past twenty years. It transforms the basic ideas of language use into classroom teaching method and brings in great significance in practice. TBLT leads students to learn English by fulfilling a real task in order to improve their ability of using English. Thus, this paper will focus on the practice of TBLT in Xiwang Middle Schools’ English class, find out how it goes in English teaching class, so we can use TBLT more efficiently.

    II. The Significance of Task-based Language Teaching

    2.1 Historical Overview of English Language Teaching (ELT) Methodology
    Methodology in language teaching has been characterized in a variety of ways. A more or less classical formulation suggests that methodology links theory and practice. Within methodology a distinction is often made between methods and approaches, in which methods are held to be fixed teaching systems with prescribed techniques and practices, and approaches are language teaching philosophies that can be interpreted and applied in variety of different ways in the classroom. This distinction is probably best seen as a continuum ranging from highly prescribed methods to loosely described approaches.
    In the field of ELT, the notion of teaching methods has had a long history, as is witnessed by the rise and fall of variety of methods throughout the recent history of language teaching. Some, such as Audio-lingualism, became the orthodox teaching methods of the 1960s in many parts of the world. Other methods such as the Silent Way attracted small but devoted followers in 1980s and beyond, but attract little attention today. Many teachers have found the notion of methods attractive, since they offer foolproof systems for classroom instruction. Language teachers have displayed a great enthusiasm for methods over the last one hundred years or so. In Brown’s(2002) words, in the century spanning the mid-1880s to the mid-1980s, the language teaching profession was involved in what many pedagogical experts would call a search. That search was for a single, ideal method, generalizable across widely varying-audiences that would successfully teach students a foreign language in the classroom. However, the ultimate method that would serve as the final answer was not found. In the process of the search, people have come to be aware of the weakness of the method concept. Methods are too prescriptive and over-generalized in their potential application to practical situations. They are quite distinctive at the early, beginning stages of a language cause but rather indistinguishable from each other at later stages. All the methods make assumptions, and often quite elaborate and detail ones about the learner and ways of learning. These assumptions appear plausible in principle; they have not been tested critically and systematically against the realities of the actual learning. ELT professionals have realized that approach. By the twenty-first century there has been a movement away from a preoccupation with generic teaching methods toward a more complex view of language teaching which encompasses a multifaceted understanding of teaching and learning processes.
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