
    The Application of Awarded Marks for Group Cooperation in Junior Two English Teaching Abstract The ultimate and permanent purpose of English education is to enable student to gain the proficiency in everyday life. However, traditional English education pays too pays much attention on the grammar rules of the language and overlooks students’ consciousness of innovation or the affective education. The exam-oriented education with the overweight paper work harms students’ initiative. Nowadays the methods of teaching and evaluating have changed and student centered methodology is prevailing. In the way of cooperative learning, students’ enthusiasm is aroused and they are more willing to get involved in the class. 47890

    Keywords: Cooperative Learning; Awarded Mark; English Teaching


    摘  要英语教育的终极目标是培养学生在日常生活中熟练运用英语的能力。然而,传统的应试教育太过于关注学生英语语法规则的学习,而忽略了学生的创新意识和实践应用,学生很难主动融入课堂,缺少实际的交流。随着社会的发展对英语的要求越来越高,与此同时,英语教育也应与时俱进。因而,合作小组的学习模式越来越广泛的运用于教学中。在合作小组中,通过组员之间的互补、互助,进行英语教学,辅之以小组加分制度。 以小组为单位,进行成绩评估,并以此激发学生主动学习,积极参与课堂的热情。




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    2.1 Brief Introduction of Group Cooperation 2

    2.1.1 The Background Information about Group Cooperation 2

    2.1.2 Different Types of Cooperative Learning 2

    2.1.3 The Fundamental Basis for Cooperative Learning 3

    2.2 The Application of Cooperative Learning in English Teaching 5

    2.2.1 The Analysis of the New English Curriculum in Middle School 5

    2.2.2 The Regular Rules in the Group Cooperation in English Teaching 5

    2.2.3 The Application of Awarded Marks for Group Cooperation in English Teaching 6

    3. Method 7

    3.1 Brief Introduction about the Study 7

    3.1.1The Background of the Study 7

    3.1.2The Objective of the Study 7

    3.1.3 The Methods of the study 7

    3.2 The Processes of the Study 7

    3.2.1 Experimental Method 8

    3.2.2 Questionnaire Method 8

    3.2.3 Interview Method 8

    3.3 The Analysis of the Result 8

    3.3.1 The Analysis of the Experiment 8

    3.3.2 The Analysis of the Questionnaire 15

    3.3.3 The Analysis of the Interview 15

    3.4 The Limits of the Study 16

    4.Discussion 17

    4.1 The Achievement has Made in Present System

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