
    Acknowledgements Many people have made invaluable contributions, both directly and indirectly to my research. I would like to express my warmest gratitude to , my supervisor, for her instructive suggestions and valuable comments on this thesis. Without her invaluable help and generous encouragement, the present thesis won’t have been accomplished. What’s more, I wish to say “thanks!” to the 100 subjects in this study for providing me with chances to do the empirical study. Finally, I greatly appreciate my parents’ support and endless love. My heart swells with gratitude to all the people who helped me.48013

    Study on the Application of the Flipped Classroom——A Case of Elementary English Teaching

    Abstract The thesis mainly explores the feasibility of applying the flipped classroom in elementary English teaching, and it also builds a model for the teaching. The thesis introduces the educators who proposed the flipped classroom and also the schools which advocate the teaching method. The history, the definition and also some models which are applied will be introduced in the thesis. The author explores the feasibility of applying the flipped classroom by questionnaire survey. The thesis summaries the characteristics and status quo of English teaching in elementary schools. The elements that influence students’ learning interest is also discussed. Based on all the researches above, the author tries to build up a model and makes a teaching plan mainly for fourth-grade elementary school students.

    Keywords: the flipped classroom; models; elementary English; teaching plan


    摘要本论文主要探究翻转课堂在小学英语教学中应用的可能性,并且探究式地建立了小学英语教学的翻转课堂模型。论文通过举例介绍了提出翻转课堂的教育家以及运用翻转课堂的翻转课堂的学校,介绍了翻转课堂从理论到实际应用的历史,以及它在国内外的发展过程,同时也列举了国内外一些已经成功应用的翻转课堂模型。通过调查问卷,作者探求了翻转课堂在小学英语教学中应用的可能性。本论文搜集已有文献资料,概括总结了中国小学英语教学的现状,以及影响小学生英语学习兴趣的各类因素。最后本论文在总结了上述资料后,在前人的模型的基础上, 探究式地建立了小学英语教学的模型,并且基于模型制定了一份教案。 该教案主要取材于人教版小学四年级英语教材,有一定的针对性。



    I. The Introduction of the Flipped Classroom 1

    1.1 The Definition and History of the Flipped Classroom 1

    1.2 The Application of the Flipped Classroom 2

    1.2.1 The Application of the Flipped Classroom in China 2

    1.2.2 The Application of the Flipped Classroom abroad 2

    1.3 Basic models of the Flipped Classroom 3

    II.The Feasibility of the Flipped Classroom 7

    2.1 The Design of the Questionnaire 7

    2.2 The Analysis of the Questionnaire 7

    III. The Exploration of the Flipped Classroom 8

    3.1 The Flipped Classroom and Elementary English Teaching 8

    3.1.1 The characteristics and status quo of elementary English learning. 8

    3.1.2 Factors that influence the elementary English learning

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