
    A Comparative Study of Self Error Correction and Face-to-face Error Correction in Middle School English Teaching

    Abstract Error correction is the fundamental construction of English assignments. Among various forms of error correction, this study focuses on self error correction and face-to-face error correction (between teachers and students). In this paper, It will be first discussed the reason why students should do error correction, and then try to list some different forms of error correction in current situation and finally draw the significance of error correction according to literature review and a questionnaire survey. 58285

    Due to the wildly-used of face-to-face error correction in Baochu Pagoda Experimental School, I decided to discuss whether face-to-face error correction is better than self error correction. Then I designed a questionnaire and made some inpidual interviews to deeper discuss these two forms of error correction. As for the self error correction, it can help students find out what they have already mastered, what they still confuse about and what difficulties for them to understand and grasp are. Moreover, it’s an important method to cultivate students’ inpidual thinking and form a habit of self knowledge reconsolidation. Yet for those students who are short of language knowledge, self error correction may not be the suitable form for them, so teachers should pay more attention on them and give some guidance. About face-to-face error correction, teachers can be able to explain some difficult language points in various ways according to different students so that they can help to solve the problems at once. Besides, face-to-face error correction can also contribute to meliorate teachers’ classroom teaching and adjust teaching schedule. However, because of the limitation of the time and space, the disadvantages of face-to-face error correction still exist in daily teaching. For instance, the carelessness of students and the neglect of self knowledge reconsolidation are two vital reasons of why face-to-face error correction can’t achieve its expected effect.

    As a result, since each form of error correction has its own advantages and disadvantages, teachers should try their best to overcome one's weaknesses by acquiring another's strong points and then choose a proper form of error correction according to specific type of students and different circumstance. 

    Keywords: self error correction, face-to-face error correction, effectiveness, comparison




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