
    In 2012, Qu Song, a postgraduate student from Jilin University of Finance and Economics, conduct a thesis with the title of “On Translation of Chinese Menu in Light of Functionalist Approaches”. In his paper, he analyzes in detail the varieties of features, tradition and culinary methods of Chinese dishes and makes a comparison between Chinese and Western culinary culture on the aspects of concept, style, and naming etc., which inexorably exert influence on the practical translation of Chinese dish name. 

    In conclusion, there is not a scarcity in studying Chinese menu translation, because many previous studies have focused on this topic and introduced various translation theories into its application. However, studies on regional Chinese cuisines are comparatively fewer, and there is even a shortage in the research of Hangzhou Cuisine menu translation. Though being a part of Chinese dishes, Hangzhou Cuisine has its distinct features and names. Therefore, it is necessary to go further from the broader sense of Chinese dish translation to the specific regional ones. This thesis is going to analyze the status quo of the menu translation of Hangzhou Cuisine with Functionalism as guidance, and try to explore relatively systematic and feasible translating methods for it.

  1. 上一篇:《嘉莉妹妹》的生态女性主义解读
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